Onosma hypoleucum

Onosma hypoleucum I.M. Johnst., J. Arnold Arbor. 32(3): 220–221 1951.;


Plant for ID ABJUL01/38 : 23 posts by 5 authors. 2 images.

I found this high on a slope with no access and could not get a close up of the flowers. There were several plants lower but without flowers. The hairy leaves stuck to the skin when touched. Please help identify it.

Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
23 July, 2016

Interesting plant. Hope to know it soon.

Thank you … I am hoping to visit that area soon if time and weather allow me. If I can get close up details of the flowers and leaves, it might bring us closer to an ID. The leaves were like velcro hard to peel off the skin.

I was on the mountain trek yesterday and had to take a detour to find and photograph this plant. It’s peculiarly found on a small patch of hillside and I have not seen it anywhere else. That is not to say that it is unique to that location but it is certainly uncommon. I took a tele lens to get better pictures and managed to grab a small sample for a micro shot. Hopefully this will bring us closer to an ID. Please advise.
11 images.

Marvellous images. Hope someone points out the family or genera

Borginaceae ?

Thank you … I suspect the same. Onosma species perhaps?

Thanks, …, I think you are right. Pl. check with keys in FOP & in local flora.

It seems to be Arnebia euchroma, species usually found in trans-Himalayas.

Thank you … Arnebia euchroma looks very different in images here;

I also checked the Flora of Pakistan but the illustration seems to refer to a differently shaped flower;

Yes, I agree with …

A really wonderful find …!! Not seen by me yet..!!
I do agree with your id, this is Onosma species, any of the O. thomsonii or O. hypoleucum the flowering season more favorable for the latter..

Thank you …. Between the two I would bend towards O. hypoleucum because of the leaf size. The description in Flora of Pakistan matches closely apart from the statement ‘Corolla blue, campanulate; slightly exceeding calyx length…’. In my sample calyx is slightly longer than the corolla.
Size and flowering point to O. hypoleucum and we could keep that till another better match comes up.

Pl. also verify with herbarium images at

Thank you very much … for this wonderful link. It does seem to confirm … ID of Onosma hypoleucum.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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