Operculina tansaensis

Operculina tansaensis Sant. & Patel., Trans. Bose Res. Inst. Calcutta xxii. (Convolv. Bomb. Addit. & Corr.) 33 (1958).;




Ipomea?-131209RA2 : Attachments (4). 11 posts by 6 authors.
kindly ID this Ipomoea please. This was seen flowering around 4.00pm at Aarey in Mumbai on 12 Dec ’09.

This can be Operculina tansaensis, because the bracts are persistent, not caducous. The stems don’t appear to be winged. The other character (peduncles shorter than petioles) is apparent though not clearly seen in the picture. Flowering is ahead of O. turpethum.

The above features are indicative of O. tansaensis which is a rare plant and the type locality of Tansa Lake is not far from Aarey.
Pls validate this ID.

Thank you so much … for the possible ID. Nice to know it is a rare plant that I got to see. I know the spot where it is seen and will try and get more details.

… is already identified the plant. the plant is indeed Operculina tansaensis Sant. & Patel. O tansaensis which belong to endangered and/ or critically endangered categories (Mishra and Singh, 2001).

Thanks … for further validation of ID and reference.

Can the species name O.tansanensis be due to its presence near Tansa lake or river etc?

Yes the name comes from the region it originated



Updated on December 24, 2024

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