Ophioglossum gramineum Willd., Abh. Kurfürstl.-Mainz. Akad. Nützl. Wiss. Erfurt 2(6): 18 (1802) (syn: Ophioglossum dietrichiae Prantl ; Ophioglossum gracile Pocock ex J.E.Burrows ; Ophioglossum gramineum var. majus (Alderw.) Wieff. ; Ophioglossum gregarium Christ ; Ophioglossum inconspicuum (Rac.) Alderw. ; Ophioglossum inconspicuum f. majus Alderw. ; Ophioglossum lanceolatum Prantl ; Ophioglossum moluccanum f. inconspicuum Rac. ; Ophioglossum prantlii C.Chr. ; Ophioglossum vulgatum var. gramineum (Willd.) Hook.f. ; Ophioglossum vulgatum var. lanceolatum Luerss. ; Ophioglossum vulgatum var. prantlii (C.Chr.) W.R.B.Oliv.);
. W. Tropical Africa to Angola, W. Cape Prov., Tropical Asia to N. Australia: Angola, Assam, Borneo, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Provinces, Central African Repu, Chad, Ghana, India, Jawa, Maluku, Myanmar, New Guinea, Northern Territory, Philippines, Queensland, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, West Himalaya, Western Australia as per POWO; . Id Please – efloraofindia | Google Groups: 3 images. Please identify the Ophioglossum species collected from Rajasthan. Dont tell me!!! This is Ophioglossum lusitanicum, a rare sps, with this pink coloration Thanks for identification. I would like to mentioned that the pink color and thick tropophyll are not the characters of O.lusitanicum. I am attaching the photograph of O.lusitanicum which is not pink in color and is occurring in the same locality. So, there is no habitat difference. Your picture of O. lusitanicum could not be seen, please upload again.
I have just seen on the web recent paper on Ophioglossum in Pachmarhi by A. P. Singh et al. published in Taiwania 54(4): 353-364, 2009. Two species in this paper are mentioned reported from Rajasthan (Jhalawar) O. gramineum and O. nudicaule. According to the key and photograph, this plant could be O. nudicaule, except for red coloration on leaves.
I think this is Ophioglossum gramineum, which has been published as a new record from Rajasthan by Singh et.al; 2009 in Taiwania, 54(4): 353-364. I am attaching the pdf copy of the paper for further reference of all. . References:
Ophioglossum gramineum
Updated on December 24, 2024