Opuntia humifusa ?

Opuntia humifusa (Raf.) Raf., Med. fl. 2:247. 1830 (Syn: (≡) Cactus humifusus Raf. (basionym); (=) Opuntia compressa auct.; (=) Opuntia vulgaris auct. nonn.); 

Opuntia humifusa, commonly known as the Eastern Prickly Pear or Indian Fig, is a native cactus found in most of eastern North America. It ranges from Montana eastward to southern Ontario and then on to Massachusetts, south to Florida and westward to New Mexico.[1]

The green stems of this low-growing perennial cactus are flattened and are formed of segments. Barbed bristles are found around the surfaces of the segments and longer spines are sometimes present.[2] The flowers are yellow to gold in color and are found along the margins of mature segments. The flowers are waxy and sometimes have red centers. They measure 4-6 cm wide and bloom in the late spring.
The juicy and edible red fruits measure from 3-5 cm. As the fruit matures, it changes colour from green to red, and often remains on the cactus until the following spring. There are 6 to 33 small, flat, light-colored seeds in each fruit.
This plant is very intolerant of shade. It thrives in full sun and well-drained soil. 
(From Wikipedia on 27.4.13)



Requesting identification of this succulent from Cactus garden Panchkula….

most probably Opuntia humifosa..

I could not find any reference in India on net of this species (Opuntia humifusa).
You can see lot of references I have listed at efi page Opuntia with details, of the various species of Optunia cultivated in India




The Plant List  GRIN   Wikipedia  Cactus Art 

Updated on December 24, 2024

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