Ornithogalum thyrsoides Jacq., Hort. Bot. Vindob. 3: 17 1777. (Syn: Eliokarmos coarctatum (Jacq.) Raf.; Eliokarmos thyrsoides (Jacq.) Raf.; Lomaresis alba Raf.; Myogalum coarctatum (Jacq.) Endl.; Myogalum thyrsoides (Jacq.) Endl.; Ornithogalum bicolor Haw.; Ornithogalum ceresianum F.M.Leight.; Ornithogalum coarctatum Jacq.; Ornithogalum conicum Willd. ex Kunth [Invalid]; Ornithogalum gilgianum Schltr. ex Poelln.; Ornithogalum grimaldiae Nocca; Ornithogalum hermannii F.M.Leight.; Ornithogalum revolutum Jacq.; Tomoxis coarctata (Jacq.) Raf.); Location: Gyaneswor, Kathmandu, Nepal Elevation : 4500 ft. Date 18 April 2012 Habit : Cultivated . Chincherinchee – other names: I have some old photgraphs as mentioned of flowers we had grown in Delhi. I had identified one of the flower photographs I had as a Chincherinchee or Star of Bethlehem from flowersofindia.net I wanted to know if there is any other common name for it in India? I think I remember the nursery where I bought the bulb had referred to it by some other name… .
Garden Flower For ID : Nasik : 05FEB15 : AK-14 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Came across this old picture of mine taken at a plant nursery in Nasik. Cultivated, garden plant with White flowers. Id please. I beg your pardon, I’m unable to open one of the images due to upload errors in email, but from one image it is sure that this is a member of Asparagaceae (similar aspects for Liliaceae), because number of perianth 06, stamens 06 and most probably a species of Ornithogalum{Ornithogalum thyrsoides Jacq.} may be frequently known as some “Wonder flower or Chinkerinchee”. Thanks to you and … for the follow up and id. I recollect to have seen these in Kodaikanal. . SL 80 021213 : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 2 authors. Please ID this ornamental plant with white flowers. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in Sep 2012. Ornithogalum thyrsoides . BND 58 31/10/14 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Please ID this small herbaceous ornamental plant/medicinal with white flowers. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in March 2013. the appearance of the plant remind me a species of Chlorophytum Ornithogalum thyrsoides Jacq. |
Ornithogalum thyrsoides (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024