Ornithogalum umbellatum L., Sp. Pl. 307 1753. (Syn: Hyacinthus umbellatus (L.) E.H.L.Krause; Ornithogalum affine Boreau [Illegitimate] ……..; Ornithogalum umbellatum var. angustifolium (Boreau) Gren. & Godr. …; Ornithogalum vulgare Sailer; Scilla campestris Savi; Stellaris corymbosa (Gaterau) Moench); . W. & C. Europe as per WCSP; . Alabama; Albania; Arkansas; Austria; Baleares; Baltic States; Belgium; British Columbia; Bulgaria; Connecticut; Corse; Czechoslovakia; Delaware; Denmark; District of Columbia; Finland; France; Georgia; Germany; Great Britain; Hungary; Idaho; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Ireland; Italy; Kansas; Kentucky; Louisiana; Maine; Maryland; Masachusettes; Michigan; Mississippi; Missouri; Nebraska; Netherlands; New Brunswick; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New South Wales; New York; New Zealand South; Newfoundland; North Carolina; Norway; Nova Scotia; Ohio; Oklahoma; Ontario; Oregon; Pennsylvania; Poland; Portugal; Qubec; Rhode I.; Romania; Sardegna; Sicilia; South Australia; South Carolina; South Dakota; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Tennessee; Texas; Ukraine; Utah; Vermont; Victoria; Virginia; Washington; West Virginia; Yugoslavia as per Catalogue of Life; . Dolden-Milchstern (Ornithogalum umbellatum) from my garden in Ritterhude: It is common in Kashmir, seen a lot during my research days. Wonderful to see them… their uniqueness… almost the first to appear after the snow… they are gone very quickly from the meadow…naturalized from escaped plants from garden in NY suburbia… one question: do your flowers have green tinge on the back of the petals too? They mostly have .. .
Location: Eden Project, Cornwall, UK Altitude: 60m. Date: 03 April 2022 Habit : Cultivated . References: |
Ornithogalum umbellatum (Germany/ UK)
Updated on December 24, 2024