Orthosiphon species

Orthosiphon labiatus or Orthosiphon rubicundus ?;

Id please – efloraofindia | Google Groups: 2 images.

… ¿ Eranthemum ? species … reminds me having seen this (such) plant so often, it is a pity cannot remember exactly which !!!!

… on second thoughts, could be some species from Urticaceae family.

I too think its a member of urticaceae, …. Better let’s wait till it flowers!

If I am not wrong this plant is Tragia involucrata L. !!!

The leaves and venation don’t suggest Tragia involucrata

This is not Tragia involucrata… I have a wild guess. but to confirm you should get the flowers….
A Lamiaceaen member? close to Pogostemon… I do remember such a plant in Kerala and Karnataka that has a nice nice smell of some good candy flavor. If so, it can be a Lamiacean member.

… your hint reminds me the sight of Orthosiphon (rubicundus) in Western Ghats in vicinity of Mumbai and Thane.
Views of it in my flickr photostream: http://www.flickr.com/

Plant from Chhattisgarh 15:

Pl confirm wether the leaves are old one having different colour or having same colour in fresh.
During my tenure as D.F.O Bilashpur in Chhatishgarh in the year 2000, I try to understand the traditional use of some medicinal Plant in that area. I came across this type of plant locally called as Kamraj having tuborous root/stem, if it is a herb, it may be some sp. of Orthosiphon. I am attaching some pic of my Orthosiphon rubicundus (experts may pl correct the my id if it is otherwise), which may help you in your plants identification.

But I checked … picture and that definitely looks like Orthosiphon. As you have no flower pictures, you might think the leaves match that of … pic, but both are not similar as I see.
Please try to find inflorescens pictures which will help id

These pictures do not match with images of Orthosiphon rubicundus (D.Don) Benth.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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