Marrubium vulgare : For Validation : Kenya : 19AUG16 : AK-21 : 21/21 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Seen growing wild in Nairobi.
Kindly validate.
Looks different from images at net e.g. at
Thanks for the correction. Hope to get the correct id.
Hoping you’re right
Did not find any Marrubium species listing in Kenya unless it is introduced and leafing pattern does not also a complete match.
That was my suggested id. But I think it is not correct. Hope to identify it correctly.
I could find a link of Lamiaceae plants in Kenya.
The flowers in my pictures have probably fallen off.
Let me see if I have more pictures.
Could be Hyptis Species?
Just a guess.
may be Hyptis capitata Jacq. but did not find distribution in Kenya !
You’re right Aarti ma’am, it’s not marrubium sp.
Seems to orthosiphon sp.