Osbeckia wightiana Benth., Numer. List [Wallich] n. 4060 1831.; Keys of South Indian Species at efi thread; AKJAN02 Osbeckia for ID : 6 posts by 4 authors. 5 images. It looked like a small tree, about 10 feet tall. Photo taken in Kodaikanal. The plant uploaded seems to be Osbeckia octandra efi page on Osbeckia octandra This seems to be Osbeckia reticulata Bedd. However, I am not fully sure of its identity Please check live plants with key given by Gamble, in Flora of Presidency of Madras. O. wightiana
Pl. find the attached file contain photos for id. request. Location Pambar Shola. Kodaikanal Date. Jan 2006 Habitat: Wild. Habit: Herb. May be Osbeckia Looks like Osbeckia species. Appears lose to images at Osbeckia reticulata Bedd. Osbeckia reticulata O.travancorica O.wightiana
High Wavy flora 24092012 TBN 1 ?Osbeckia cupularis for id validation: Please identify this plant details of which are as follows: Date : 19/08/2012 Location :High Wavy ranges, Theni dt, Tamil Nadu ( N 9. 34.908/E 77.19.287) Altitude :approx 5000 ft Habitat :wild :edge of evergreen forest Habit :shrub: Height :3 ft Leaves :three nerved: ?edges turned upward Flowers :as shown Fruits :not seen Local name :do not know It seems to be similar to what … had sent Its Melastoma species What I understand from … reply to … rji’s post (efloraofindia 132196) is that the stamens are equal in length in Osbeckia whereas they are unequal in Melastoma sp. In that case the plant that I have sent must be Osbeckia sp only. Moreover the flower in the attached photograph matches with Osbeckia cupularis in flowersofindia website Please clarify Yes match with Osbeckia but sp may be different as upper side of leaves not hairy in this case and also color of flower is different Appears lose to images at Osbeckia reticulata Bedd. Osbeckia leschenaultiana DC. Sorry sir it is O.wightiana References: The Plant List Ver.1.1 |
Osbeckia wightiana
Updated on December 24, 2024