Osmunda claytoniana subsp. vestita

Osmunda claytoniana subsp. vestita (Milde) Á.Löve & D.Löve, Taxon 26: 324 (1977) as per efi thread;
Osmunda pilosa
Wall. ex Grev. & Hook., Bot. Misc. 3: 229 (1833). (syn: Asplenium grammitis Wall. ex Mett.Diplazium grammitis (Wall. ex Mett.) T.MooreOsmunda claytoniana var. pilosa (Wall. ex Grev. & Hook.) ChingOsmunda claytoniana subsp. pilosa (Wall. ex Grev. & Hook.) Fraser-Jenk.Osmundastrum claytonianum var. pilosum (Wall. ex Grev. & Hook.) W.M.Chu & S.G.LuOsmundastrum claytonianum subsp. pilosum (Wall. ex Grev. & Hook.) TzvelevOsmundastrum pilosum (Wall. ex Grev. & Hook.) ShmakovPlenasium pilosum (Wall. ex Grev. & Hook.) C.Presl ; Osmunda claytoniana subsp. vestita (Milde ) Á.Löve & D.LöveOsmunda claytoniana var. vestita MildeOsmundastrum claytonianum var. vestitum (Milde ) Tagawa) as per POWO;
Himalaya to S. Russian Far East and Central Japan: Assam, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Japan, Manchuria, Nepal, Pakistan, Primorye, Taiwan, Tibet, West Himalaya as per POWO;

Osmunda regalis from Kashmir-GSJUN09 : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3).
Osmunda regalis, photographed from Khillenmarg, Kashmir, alt of about 11000 ft.

Thanks Sir for this upload, perhaps I always ignored this..

My understanding (based on R.R.Stewart) is that the abundant Osmunda in Kashmir is Osmunda claytonia ‘The Interrupted Fern’, not O.regalis, ‘The Royal Fern’ (which he only knew from a Dr Kazmi collection in Hazara.
Perhaps out group’s fern expert can check and explain the present thinking?  In the mean-time I will post images I took on my last visit to Khelanmarg.

Yes this should be Osmunda claytoniana. Thanks … for pointing out.

No, this is O. claytoniana subsp. vestita and is nothing like O. regalisO. regalis does not occur in India or anywhere near – he was thinking of O. japonica, or in South and Central India, O. hilsenbergii (syn.: O. huegeliana).

Thanks … for this useful information.
Dr R R Stewart was keen on ferns but your knowledge far exceeds what was known at that time.
Nevertheless, his ‘Annotated Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Pakistan & Kashmir’ (1972) despite being so out-of-date is the BEST and MOST RELIABLE reference for flowering plants covering Kashmir.
As Stewart himself knew all too well, as soon as such checklists/ floras are printed, they are out-of-date. And there have been numerous taxonomic and nomenclatural changes in recent decades incl. changes of family – though this should come as no great surprise since the area and flora of the Himalaya is vast with so many genera in urgent need of further study and revision.
What a pity more up-to-date (and reliable) printed publications are not available for the FLOWERING plants of NW Himalaya.
I wonder, if, as and when time permits, you would be able to take a look at the ferns photographed by Marijn in Baltistan, for your comments.  I could put a genus on one or both  but your knowledge of ferns vastly exceeds mine, so seems pointless to try, IF you are available, at your convenience,
As you will see, I have been going through the flowering plant photos and naming them, as best I can.
I have Dickore & Klimes’ check-list for Ladakh (2005) which contains several ferns not known to Stewart.
I presume this is down to input from your good self?

Nice to hear from you after a long time.  Yes, Dr. Stewart’s work was the only relatively modern work then, on the far west Himalaya.  I worked on it in detail, studying all the specimens cited, and he could remember a lot of the questions I had for him when I went to visit him in California when he was 102 yrs. old! I named a couple of ferns after him too, a widespread west-Himalayan Dryopteris and a rare Polystichum hybrid I found in upper Swat that Dr. R.J. Rodin collected there years before and I found again in the area later.

I revised Dr. Stewart’s work and also added my own more extensive collections from all over northern Pakistan and J. & K., plus the west Indo-Himalaya.  Also re-identified and listed all the specimens of Afghanistan, Pakistan and J. & K., from the British, N. American, European and Pakistani and Indian herbaria as well as Dr. Nakaike’s now in Tsukuba. I have given this information also to George Yatskievych for the Flora of Pakistan, as we plan to complete the last volume some day when time permits!
Dr. Stewart also made a checklist of Nepal ferns, which Dr. Michael Price gave me a copy of – it is not very accurate and is very incomplete, but because he cited some numbers, particularly some of those of my late friend, Dr. Bob Fleming, the names could be identified and related to modern-day species.
Yes, I did work through and identify Bernard Dickore’s collections for him some years ago at Gottingen, and more since in other herbaria also the late Dr. Sheikh’s from upper Kagan.  But I have not been back there in Pakistan for some decades now. I published two checklist works from the far west Himalaya, J. & K. westwards (1982 and an additions paper in 1983), also wrote a third of the accounts for Flora Iranica, which as far as I know is still likely to be published some time.
I do recommend Dr. S.P. Khullar’s two volume Illustrated fern flora of the West Himalaya.  Updated revision is in my Indian Checklist part 1 with co-authors (2016), coming out in just over a week.
I’ll try to find those photos you mention, though I’m not very good with websites!

Flora of Uttarakhand- Fern2 for Id- JM:
Wild Fern captured on 13/8/10 during the trek from Ghangaria (around 11,000 ft.) to Hemkunt Sahib (around 14000 ft.). 

Yes it is O. claytoniana with pinnate vegetative fronds with pinnatifid pinnae. O. regalis has bipinnate fronds with subentire to denticulate pinnules.

I think it may be O. claytoniana subsp. vestita (POWO mentions it as a syn. of Osmunda pilosa Wall. ex Grev. & Hook.) as suggested by Chris ji at Osmunda regalis from Kashmir-GSJUN09

Yes, sterile fronds of Osmunda claytoniana subsp. vestita, which is of course not a distinct species (only the wool colour is different from the N. American subsp. claytoniana). Forget POWO based on … erroneous ideas!  O. pilosa Wall. ex Grev. & Hook. is a synonym of subsp. vestita. Such folk only know two ranks, genus and species and did not understand the genera and species at all, but it got stuck into POWO.

Incidentally, there is no Osmunda regalis in Kashmir, nor did I suggest so. O. regalis is an entirely different species not present in India, where it is represented by O. japonica. Please see in my Annotated Checklist Indian Pteridophytes vol. 1.  That group is nothing to do with O. claytoniana.

I received this picture and accompanying write up today from UBC….   the URL is
MY question is about the names: Osmunda claytoniana the current name and Osmunda claytoniites for the fossil… they claim is almost identical…
My question is  clayton- iana  versus clayton- iites
what does -iana    depict that is different from  -iites ????/

these spellings appear in one of the paragraphs in the above URL… I  am copy pasting ithe paragraph below within quotation marks….
Osmunda claytoniana has the “oldest known fossil record of any living fern”, and can be traced back to the Triassic period<http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/mesozoic/triassic/triassic.html>.
This species can also be considered a living fossil<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osmunda_claytoniana>,
because it appears almost identical to a fossil fern species from 200 million years ago, Osmunda claytoniites. It has gained the common name interrupted fern because of the appearance of its fronds, on which the brown
fertile pinnae “interrupt” the green sterile pinnae<http://www.ct-botanical-society.org/ferns/osmundaclay.html>.” end quote

claytoniana [ klay-ton-ee-AH-na ] named for John Clayton, 18th century Virginia plant specimen collector; described as the greatest American botanist of his day
claytonia [ klay-TOH-nee-eye ] named for John Clayton, 18th century Virginia plant specimen collector; described as the greatest American botanist of his day

claytoniites [ klay-toh-nee-EYE-tees ] my guess: refers to being like claytonii, in this context perhaps, being like claytoniana … wait for comments.
Above pronunciation and meanings sought from Dave’s Botanary<http://davesgarden.com/guides/botanary/>.
Know nothing beyond this.

claytoniana means “like Clayton”. Its an adjective of “Clayton”.
claytonii means “of Clayton”. Clayton is used as a Noun, saying the specimen that belonged to Clayton or collected by Clayton.
claytoniites means “looking like claytoniana” or if we take the whole plant name then it means looking specifically like Osmunda claytoniana. Please attached my pic of Osmunda claytoniana from Himachal Pradesh, just before Rohtang Pass.

To add to what … has written claytoniana, a specific epithet in adjective form (since Osmunda generic name is in feminine form), may take form of claytonianum (if attached to a neuter genus) and claytonianus (if attached to masculine genus)
claytonii, a noun in possessive form, will remain unchanged from genus to genus; -ii   for all names ending in consonant, -i for names ending in vowel (roylei for Royle), -e for those ending in a- (senguptae for Sengupta), etc
cyatoniites here signifies two things, one it is like O. claytoniana, and second more important it is a name for a fossil. ending -ites is commonly used for fossil taxa.

I was going through … remark and I just wanted to add some thing more.
Gender is a big issue in ICBN.
According to ICBN, II:VII:2, Article 62.1. A generic name retains the gender assigned by botanical tradition, irrespective of classical usage or the author’s original usage. A generic name without a botanical tradition retains the gender assigned by its author (but see Art. 62.4).
For example, Punica granatum. Ideally Punica is of feminine gender, “ending with ‘a’, hence the species name should have been ‘granata’, but this name has been conserved because of its long usage. But the question is, according to article 62.1 name should have retained the gender assigned by botanical tradition irrespective of the usage by author. Hence this goes against ICBN.
Second example could be Quercus oblongata. Though the gender of genus according to name is masculine, but classically they were treated as feminine hence, the species name is feminine.

Quercus (Q. dilatata, Q. acuminata), Prunus (P. persica, P. armeniaca), Pinus (Pinus alba, P. africana) are all feminine because they are trees, and in classical Latin, tree is treated as feminine. Perhaps all trees are feminine, irrespective of the ending of the generic name.

What about Oroxylum indicum, Phoenix sylvestris, Pterospermum acerifolium, Dimocarpus longan!! 🙂
Its very tricky as both options are there. A tree should be female according to botanical latin, but at the same time it can be male if the name doesnt follow the botanical tradition and author calls it male!!

Yes there are some exception, but majority (say in Manual of Trees by  A Rehder) follow the feminity rule.

Differently, in Hindi, trees are male!!

Most Indian Words (in different languages) the ending of the word (except for a few like kursi, chapati, khirki) don’t give indication of its gender, and that is why in most cases what we call as ‘mera’ in Hindi (or say North)
would be called as ‘meri’ by a friend from South or East. This is what I had been often telling my students. In Latin (and for that matter even Russian)
ending of the word generally tells us its gender, not in most Indian languages.

I think this also depends on the word that comes after.
Meri file
Mera kutta
Mera dog
Meri doggie
Mera to sir ghoom gaya !!!
Just kidding…..

I think it may be O. claytoniana subsp. vestita (POWO mentions it as a syn. of Osmunda pilosa Wall. ex Grev. & Hook.) as suggested by Chris ji at Osmunda regalis from Kashmir-GSJUN09


I was surprised to find no postings of this fern from Kashmir but note O.regalis was posted from the same location.
Would our fern expert kindly pass his eye over the attached images (my apologies for not taking any shots of the undersides of the fronds)?   I was not feeling at all well that day (and had already developed, at that time an undiagnosed condition – I just thought I was “slowing down due to getting older).
According to Stewart, Osmunda claytonia known as ‘The Interrupted Fern’ is gregarious on forest banks and grassy hillsides usually above 2400m.  Recorded from Hazara, Poonch whilst abundant in Kashmir.
He considered that Osmunda regalis had only been recorded from Hazara with no records from Kashmir.
Rather odd, I have a copy of ‘Plants of Gulmarg (Kashmir)’ by A Naqshi, G Singh & K Koul (1984) which lists Osmunda claytonia as common among bushes on Khillenmarg which appears to support Stewart.

Could I suggest some more authoritative and up-to-date Indian fern-literature, to avoid these long-solved problems of half a Century ago?

Thanks, … Yeah, that will be really nice of you.

Yes, …, this would be helpful for those taking an interest in ferns.
As I said in my recent post, a pity that more authoritative  and up-to-date literature does not exist for FLOWERING plants of NW Himalaya. 

I think it may be O. claytoniana subsp. vestita (POWO mentions it as a syn. of Osmunda pilosa Wall. ex Grev. & Hook.) as suggested by Chris ji at Osmunda regalis from Kashmir-GSJUN09

Best not to be confused. This species is extremely well known throughout the Himalaya, distribution and synonymy is all in Indian Checklist vol. 1.
O. regalis has never been confused with it, a quite different group. Anyway O. regalis does not occur in India where O. japonica replaces it. Just look in IC 1 and you will also see them illustrated in our new Jammu & Kashmir ferns book, Khullar, Kirn and I, releasing in a few weeks, and as long published by me in 1992, and in Indian Fern J. 2013. Distributions all well known and many collections cited. Stewart was good, but prehistoric compared to modern Indian fern data.
All this was sorted out and clarified years ago and there has been no confusion for decades.



The Plant List Ver.1.1  Tropicos  IPNI  Catalogue of Life (Osmundastrum claytonianum subsp. vestitum (Wall. ex Milde) comb. ined.)  Flora of China  worldfloraonline  biosciencepress

Updated on December 24, 2024

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