Ostodes paniculata Blume, Bijdr. 620 1826. (Syn: Ostodes corniculata Baill.; Ostodes kerrii Craib; Ostodes paniculata var. paniculata ; Ostodes paniculata var. thyrsantha (Pax) Chakrab. & N.P.Balakr.; Ostodes prainii Gand.; Ostodes thyrsantha Pax);
E. Nepal to W. Malesia as per WCSP;
TREE ID………10/12/2011…………..S.S………..058… Near LAVA. WEST BENGAL: Attachments (3). 6 posts by 3 authors. Please can someone id this tree. Found near Lava West Bengal.
Habitat-….. Growing beside the road. Probably wild
Plant Habit- ……Tree
Height/Length-….See pic
Inflorescence Type/ Size- …..Pendant This is Ostodes paniculata Blume
Family: Euphorbiaceae. This must surely be a very rare tree. There are no pics on www. Just a herbarium specimen of leaves. I thought it was very attractive with all those flower trusses.
Had I realised its rarity I would have taken much more care with my pics and made sure I got good close ups to show the individual flowers. If I could just set the clock back! Thank you … for giving it so much thought. I take it that you also know this tree and are in complete agreement with …
I have just added the name to my library of pictures. Somehow thread has broken. Please see continuation from … below…
efi thread TREE ID………10/12/2011……… …..S.S………..058… Near LAVA. WEST BENGAL: Attachments (3). 11 posts by 4 authors. The plant can be seen growing commonly in the forest areas of Arunachal Pradesh. I’ve spotted this at Upper Siang, East Siang, East Kemeng, Papumpare, Lower Subansiri and Lohit districts of Arunachal Pradesh. One is also growing at the experimental garden of Botanical Survey of India, Itanagar.
Memba community of Arunachal Pradesh call this plant as ‘Rumbektank’. Ohh…dnt know how the thread broke…
Anyway….the plant is Ostodes paniculata Blume.
Family: Euphorbiaceae. Locality: Tuting, Upper Siang district (ca 700m)
Date: October, 2005. This could possibly be a species of Dysoxylon. My photograph of one taken in the Garo Hills, Meghalaya. … thank you for your suggestion. Am I to understand that you think my plant is Dysoxylon rather than Ostodes paniculata? Yes, your plant looks like Dysoxylum sp. to me . But pl observe the infructescence pattern differences between my plant (Ostodes) and yours. Dysoxylum fruits are not as big as Cricket ball but ofcourse bigger than Ostodes fruits. I apologize for not putting any scale bar in my fotos that may create confusion. Ostodes paniculata (Euphorbiaceae): 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Small trees, often along streamsides in tropical forests or evergreen forests at 300 – 2400 m altitudes. Common in North-Eastern States of India. Indo-Malesian in distribution.
The present photo is from Arunachal Pradesh by Late M. K. Pathak.
Tree for ID, Sikkim NAW-JUL16-14 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5) The answer lies in the name typed by you in the title of the images. Yes, this is Bepari-gaach or Vepari in Nepali while Pakok-toung in Lepcha. Male plant of Ostodes paniculata Blume (Euphorbiaceae). North-east India, Myanmar, Thailand, Indo-China, Southern China and Western Malesia. Hope I am not making a mistake. The local nepali name mentioned to me was Bepari since supposedly people sold the leaves to be made as plates, as such to trade with (and hence vepar) when they didnt have anything else to sell. I didnt know about about the male and female trees being different and thanks as well for the binomial name. Ostodes paniculata Blume : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (12)
Location: Soureni, Mirik, India
Date: 18 May 2017
Altitude: 4200 ft.
Nepali Names : बेपारी Bepaaree
Please try to locate fruiting trees. Fruiting is only after August so I do not think I can make it. MS April,2016/19 Claoxylon sp. for ID : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Location : Dampui, Mizoram The only species of Claoxylon in your area is C. khasianum Hook.f. However, without close-up of flowers (with characters of stamens) or fruits, it is not possible to confirm the identity. This look more like Ostodes paniculata. Please confirm Correct ID. Yes. Likely to be Ostodes paniculata. . MS,Oct,2021/09 Tree for id.: 2 images.
Location : Dampui Date : 12-04-2016
Habit : Tree
Habitat : Wild
Ostodes paniculata Blume . References:
Ostodes paniculata
Updated on December 24, 2024