Oxalis debilis subsp. corymbosa (DC.) O.de Bolòs & J.Vigo, Rev. Gen. 92, 1891 (Syn: Acetosella grandifolia (DC.) Kuntze; Oxalis bipunctata R.Grah.; Oxalis bulbilifera Herter; Oxalis corymbosa DC.; Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa (DC.) Lourteig; Oxalis grandifolia DC.; Oxalis macrophylla Kunth; Oxalis umbrosa Willd. ex Zucc.; Oxalis urbica A.St.-Hil.); Argentina (Buenos Aires, Catamarca, Chaco, Corrientes, Entre Rios, Misiones, Salta, Santa Fe, San Juan, Tucuman), S-Brazil (Parana, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina), Paraguay (Central), Uruguay (Montevideo), Cuba, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, Virgin Isl. (St. Croix, St. Thomas), Lesser Antilles (Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Marie Galante, Martinique, Montserrat, Saba, St. Lucia, St. Vincent), Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Costa Rica, Peru, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guyana, Ecuador, Galapagos, Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela (Aragua, Distrito Federal, Guarico, Lara, Merida, Monagas, Sucre), Society Isl. (I) (Tahiti (I), Raiatea (I)), Bonin Isl. (I) (Chichijima (I), Hahajima (I)), Volcano Isl. (I) (Kita-Iwojima (I)), Mauritius (I), La Runion (I), Rodrigues (I), Bioko Isl. (Fernando Poo) (I), Sao Tome (I), Principe Isl. (I), Cameroon (I), Azores (I) (Santa Maria Isl. (I), Sao Miguel Isl. (I), Terceira (I), Graciosa (I), Sao Jorge (I), Pico (I), Faial (I), Corvo Isl. (I)), Madeira (I) (Madeira Isl. (I)), Canary Isl. (I) (Gran Canaria (I), Tenerife (I), La Palma Isl. (I)), Cape Verde Isl. (I) (Santo Antao Isl. (I), Ilha Brava (I)), Morocco (I), Algeria (I), Hawaii (I) (Kauai (I), Oahu (I), Molokai (I), Lanai (I), Maui (I), Hawaii Isl. (I)), Japan (I) (Honshu (I), Shikoku (I), Kyushu (I)), Bhutan (I), Sikkim (I), Jammu & Kashmir (I), Pakistan (I) (Sind (I), Pakistani Punjab (I), Murree (I)), India (I) (Punjab (I), Delhi (I), Uttar Pradesh (I), Assam (I), Meghalaya (I), Mizoram (I), Manipur (I), Bihar (I), West Bengal (I), Tamil Nadu (I), Kerala (I)), Sri Lanka (I), Nepal (I), China (I), Korea (I), USA (I) (Alabama (I), Florida (I), Georgia (I), Louisiana (I), Mississippi (I), South Carolina (I), Texas (I)), England (I), France (I), Switzerland (I), Spain (I), Portugal (I), Fiji (I), peninsular Malaysia (I), Singapore (I), Philippines (I), Vietnam (I), Bangladesh (I), Trinidad & Tobago (I) as per Catalogue of Life; oks-AL-iss or OKS-al-liss — sour, referring to oxalic acid in leaves and roots … Dave’s Botanary deb-IL-iss — weak … Dave’s Botanary kor-rim-BOW-suh — full of corymbs (flat topped flower heads) … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: large-flowered pink-sorrel, lilac oxalis, pink wood sorrel • Marathi: अंबुशी ambushi • Nepali: चरी अमिलो chari amilo Native to: south Americas; naturalized elsewhere Stemless perennial herb, leaves arising from dense cluster sessile bulblets, bulb-scales 3-nerved; leaves all basal with up to 25 cm long petioles; leaflets 3, rounded-obcordate, up to 40 mm long, lobes convex, hairy above; flowers lavender to rose-purple, 6-20 in cymose cluster on up to 25 cm long scape; sepals with two orange tubercles at apex; petals up to 18 mm long; capsule not formed. Oxalis debilis subsp. corymbosa (DC.) O. de Bolòs & J. Vigo (accepted name) ?? : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Location: Godawari , Nepal Altitude: 5000 ft. Date: 23 May 2015 Any leaves ? Why the colour look different from images at Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa ? For me the ID is correct. I was also surprised to see different colour but guessed it could be O. debilis. Since it is from my old collection I have only these pictures.
Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa ABAPR2017_02 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) I photographed this in the lower town on Dharamshala at about 1500m. According to FOI it’s O. debilis var. corymbosa. Please confirm. Dharamshala, HP 1500m 30 March 2017 Thanks, … I also feel the same as per images at Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa Oxalis debilis subsp. corymbosa (DC.) O. de Bolòs & J. Vigo (accepted name) ?? : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Location: Balason Rier, Soureni, Mirik, India Date: 21 April 2017 ID request 25012011PC2: Please identify this Oxalis spp. Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa (DC.) Lourteig from Assam-3 Feb 2014 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8). Attached images may be Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa (DC.) Lourteig. Please validate. Date :04.02.2014 Location: Assam Family : Oxalidaceae Genus & species : Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa (DC.) Lourteig Habitat: Grows wild waste places Habit :Herb yes it is Flower for Id pl. Is it some Geranium sp.? Location – Manas National Park,Guwahati. Date- 04.03.2014 Habitat –Wild This should be..Oxalis debilis .. I think we only have Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa as per Oxalis As per latest version of The Plant List, an also USDA (includes images too); O violacea L. (Ref. – Voigt) is an accepted species, not a synonym of O. d. var corymbosa. Please check also – http://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/PlantFinder/PlantFinderDetails.aspx?kempercode=l340 Would like to know more. Thanks, … I have corrected Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa accordingly. Should be Oxalis debilis, as … pointed out. Thanks, …, We have Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa only as per Oxalis.
040911-MS -43- ID confirmation of Oxalis species: I am attaching the photographs of Oxalis species. Photographed on 16.6.2009. Place. Muir Woods, California. The herb is almost everywhere in the National Park forming a thick mat. It is also common in other wet places in California. Leaflets 3, obcordate, flowers small pink would be Oxalis debilis var corymbosa, a garden weed originating from tropical America.
looks like….. : 5 images. 5 posts by 2 authors …….those in – /species/m—z/o/oxalidaceae/oxalis/oxalis-debilis-var-corymbosa and http://www.flowersofindia.net/catalog/slides/Large-Flowered%20Pink%20Sorrel.html Beautiful pictures. The texture seems to be unique for clinching ID (My opinion. Not seen this so far) Thank you Sir, but failed to understand what texture – is it pubescent pedicel? Or is it brownish tipped sepals? I meant to say my subjective feeling of the texture of the petals. Nothing botanical will describe it. Something you feel from within when you compare two different flower specimens…a visual impression one makes; though not scientific. For Id 230911 NS2: this shrub I Photographed on a trip to Mahabaleshwar. Please identify. Habit- Shrub Habitat- Planted Location- Mahabaleshwar Date- May 2010. Yes there is mixing up. The flowers in fact belong to O. martiana (and not O. maritima which has yellow flowers) now correctly known as O. debilis var. corymbosa . The leaves perhaps belong to some malvaceous member Hooghly Today : Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa (DC.) Lourteig: FoI features this plant, FoC & FoP describe it and The Plant List gives synonyms. I couldn’t find it in “Bengal Plants” or “F. B. I.”, but “Hortus Suburbanus Calcuttensis” refers it as Oxalis violacea L. I found this herb today (16.1.13), beside a village-drainage, by the side of a front-yard. Oxalis debilis is also a common herb here in Uttarakhand found in the foothills of Himlaya and Tarai areas. It is yet not flowering here and will bloom only March onward due to subtropical climate. It was my first sight of this plant, though i have seen photographs from my friends in North Bengal and Assam. Thank you very much for confirming the ID. FoI features this plant, FoC & FoP describe it and The Plant List gives synonyms. I couldn’t find it in “Bengal Plants” or “F. B. I.”, but “Hortus Suburbanus Calcuttensis” refers it as Oxalis violacea L. I found this herb today, beside a village-drainage, by the side of a front-yard. Oxalis debilis is also a common herb here in Uttarakhand found in the foothills of Himlaya and Tarai areas. It is yet not flowering here and will bloom only March onward due to subtropical climate. It was my first sight of this plant, though i have seen photographs from my friends in North Bengal and Assam. Thank you very much for confirming the ID. Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week : Oxalis corymbosa : Mahabaleshwar : 050313 : AK-10: 2 images. Sharing pictures of Pink Wood Sorrel, Oxalis corymbosa from Mahabaleshwar seen in a Strawberry field. Pictures taken on 17/4/09. This was posted on our group and identified by … and … … the identification is correct but following Nessom (2009)- I have uploaded both papers one on acaulescent species and one on caulescent species on two separate threads-it should be named as O. debilis. The two species differ only in the distribution of oxalate crystals, O. debilis gets priority in naming.
Re: Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week :: SC02 :: :: Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa (DC.) Lourteig, Halisahar-Naihati, North 24 Parganas, WB, India : 1 image. 2 posts by 2 authors. Oxalis debilisvar. corymbosa (DC.) Lourteig The plant has been collected from a shady place nearby a pond at Halisahar-Naihati, North 24 Parganas, WB, India Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week :: DV08 :: 08 DEC 09 12:48 :: Oxalidaceae » Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa at Matheran : 2 images. 7 posts by 6 authors. Oxalidaceae Oxalis debilis Kunth var.corymbosa (Candolle) Lourtieg oks-AL-iss or OKS-al-liss — sour, referring to oxalic acid in leaves and roots … Dave’s Botanary deb-IL-iss — weak … Dave’s Botanary kor-rim-BOW-suh — full of corymbs (flat topped flower heads) … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: large-flowered pink-sorrel, lilac oxalis, pink wood sorrel • Marathi: अंबुशी ambushi • Nepali: चरी अमिलो chari amilo Native to: south Americas; naturalized elsewhere References: Flowers of India • Flowers of Chania • PIER • GRIN • Further Flowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikarat Matheran on 08 DEC 09 Crystal clear images…Thanks for sharing …! Grows very commonly in Arunachal Pradesh. Wonder how the distribution extended till the extreme corners of the north-east India. Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week: Oxalidaceae-Oxalis debilis from Delhi-GS-6 : 3 images. 4 posts by 3 authors. Oxalis debilis Kunth in A. Humboldt et al., Nov. Gen. Sp. 5(qto.): 236. 1821. Syn: Acetosella debilis (Kunth) Kuntze, 1891; Oxalis martiana Zucc., 1825; Ionoxalis martiana (Zucc.) Small, 1903.; Oxalis corymbosa DC., 1824.; Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa (DC.) Lourteig,1980 Common names: Lilac oxalis; Pink Shamrock Stemless perennial herb, leaves arising from dense cluster sessile bulblets, bulb-scales 3-nerved; leaves all basal with up to 25 cm long petioles; leaflets 3, rounded-obcordate, up to 40 mm long, lobes convex, hairy above; flowers lavender to rose-purple, 6-20 in cymose cluster on up to 25 cm long scape; sepals with two orange tubercles at apex; petals up to 18 mm long; capsule not formed. Photographed from Delhi First Photograph is awesome. Both GRIN & The Plant List treat the following under two different taxon with different synonyms: The Plant List 2 GRIN 2 (Oxalis debilis Kunth var. debilis)
Would you pl. further clarify the position ? There are two taxa Oxalis corymbosa DC., 1824 Oxalis debilis Kunth, 1822 There are some authors who follow Lourteig, 1980 who treated these two as two different varieties of same species. Since O. debilis is earlier published name so it gets priority and as such O. debilis Kunth becomes O. debilis Kunth var. debilis, and O. corymbosa becomes O. debilis Kunth var. corymbosa (DC) Lourgeig, 1980 I am following the treatment by G. L. Nessom (December, 2009) who thinks there is no need to treat them as two different varieties as there is no reliable character except distribution of oxalata crystals. So both are treated simply as O. debilis. His work is most authentic recent treatment of the genus. Hooghly Today : 2 in 1 Oxalis (no ID request, please) : 3 images. 3 posts by 2 authors. They are growing wild on roadside, side by side and both are Oxalis. Oxalis debilis (pink) and Oxalis corniculata (yellow) Thank you very much Sir. About 10 minutes ago i noticed your thread at https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/indiantreepix/cBoakITzjWc and now i have read your reply (to … query). Id of flower ID15062013SH3 : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 2 authors. Posting a photo of flower for Id. Date/Time – 17.04.2012 / 12.30 p.m. Location – Place – Gibbon Sanctuary,Eastern Assam Type – Wild Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa
Introduction: Ashwini Bhatia : 1 correct image as above. I have just joined your group. I live above Mcleodganj in Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh at an altitude of about 1700m. There is a profusion of wild flowers, ferns, weeds and several other plants that I do not yet identify. I enjoy photographing the birds, butterflies, dragonflies and plants of the area as a hobby. I am looking forward to an exciting exchange at the group. ………………………….. Yes, it is lovely here. I had a nice walk in the mountains today with my family. The mountain sides are lined with begonias, balsams, violets, sweetbox, maiden’s hair fern, dog flowers and other wonderful wild plants. I hope to gain from this group’s expertise and identify the local flora correctly in the coming days. I will post some pictures from the walk tomorrow. Here is a Large-flowered Pink Sorrel (Oxalis debilis var. Corymbosa). I photographed it on my phone yesterday (30.8.14). Please correct me if I have a wrong ID. what did the leaves look like? Unfortunately, I couldn’t see the leaves. The flower stalks were jutting out from below a municipal water pipe next to a narrow road with traffic. I did stoop low to see but was not successful. I have another picture of the flowers from the top if that helps in the ID. Thank you for your help. …, did you see my email answering your query about the Daisy Fleabane? yes, yours is a fleabane no doubt, … but i am not a botanist, so cant be sure about the classification based on that one pic… the only fleabane i am more familiar with is e. ramosus with rather white or faintly pink petals. lets hope … will reply soon. Hearty welcome to our family …, Yes seems to be Oxalis cormbosa Thank you very much … I will try and be a useful member of this family.
Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa (DC.) Lourteig : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (8) Location: Godawari, Nepal Date: 18 April 2018 Altitude: 5000 ft. Habit:Wild. Catalogue of Life ???? Oxalis debilis Kunth seems to be the correct name ! Flora of Pakistan, Flora of China and Checklist of Nepal only list Oxalis corymbosa DC.(syn. of Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa). Also Catalogue of Life gives range in Nepal for this only. “Oxalis corymbosa and O. debilis were differentiated by A. Lourteig (2000) primarily by the distribution of oxalate deposits in the leaf lamina. In O. debilis, the dotlike deposits are crowded along the margins and absent to distinctly less abundant elsewhere. In O. corymbosa, the deposits are evenly distributed over the whole lamina. In their native range in South America, the two expressions are broadly sympatric and intermediates are common, as they are in the flora area. Intermediates have the oxalate dots along the margins as well as over the whole surface or sometimes mostly on the outer third of the blades, near the margins. There is no justification for formal recognition of two entities.” So we follow Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa only. Please look into the links. SYMBIOSIS :489 : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author. Attaching an image of a Psyche butterfly on the flowers of Oxalis latifolia. This is Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa and not Oxalis latifolia as per images and details herein. Attaching an image of Striped Albatross butterfly (male) on the flowers of Oxalis latifolia. This is Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa and not Oxalis latifolia as per images and details herein. Attaching an image of a Common Grass-yellow butterfly on the flowers of Oxalis latifolia. This is Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa and not Oxalis latifolia as per images and details herein. Attaching an image of a Dark cerulean on the flowers of Oxalis latifolia. This is Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa and not Oxalis latifolia as per images and details herein. SYMBIOSIS : 507 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1). Attaching an image of a Common Four Ring on the flowers of Oxalis latifolia. This is Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa and not Oxalis latifolia as per images and details herein. Attaching an image of a One spot grass yellow on the flowers of Oxalis latifolia. This is Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa and not Oxalis latifolia as per images and details herein. Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 1199 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Attaching a collage of Indian cabbage white visiting flowers of Oxalis latifolia. This is Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa and not Oxalis latifolia as per images and details herein. SYMBIOSIS : 343 : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author. Attaching an image of a Large Cabbagewhite butterfly on the flowers of Oxalis latifolia. This is Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa and not Oxalis latifolia as per images and details herein. References: |
Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa (Introduced)
Updated on December 24, 2024