Oxalis purpurea (Cultivated)

Oxalis purpurea L., Sp. Pl. 433 1753. (Syn: Acetosella breviscapa (Jacq.) Kuntze; Acetosella laburnifolia (Jacq.) Kuntze; Acetosella variabilis (Jacq.) Kuntze; Oxalis aemula Schltr. ex Knuth (ambiguous synonym); Oxalis amoena Salisb. (ambiguous synonym); Oxalis arthrophylla Turcz.; Oxalis breviscapa Jacq.; Oxalis decipiens Schltr.; Oxalis fallax Eckl. & Zeyh. (ambiguous synonym); Oxalis grandiflora Jacq. (ambiguous synonym); Oxalis humilis Thunb.; Oxalis inscripta E.Mey.; Oxalis laburnifolia Jacq.; Oxalis laxula Eckl. & Zeyh. (ambiguous synonym); Oxalis laxula Jacq. (ambiguous synonym); Oxalis reptatrix Jacq. (ambiguous synonym); Oxalis rigidula Jacq.; Oxalis sanguinea Jacq.; Oxalis speciosa Eckl. & Zeyh.; Oxalis speciosa Jacq.; Oxalis strictophylla Sond.; Oxalis suggillata Jacq.; Oxalis variabilis Jacq.; Oxalis venusta Lowe);           
South Africa (North-West Prov., N-Cape Prov., W-Cape Prov., E-Cape Prov.),
Swaziland, Portugal (I), Spain (I), France (I), Corsica (I), Malta (I), Sicily
(I), Morocco (I), Algeria (I), Australia (I) (Western Australia (I), South
Australia (I), Queensland (I), New South Wales (I), Victoria (I), Tasmania (I)),
Taiwan (I), Tristan da Cunha (I), Azores (I) (Santa Maria Isl. (I), Sao Miguel
Isl. (I), Terceira (I), Graciosa (I), Sao Jorge (I), Pico (I), Faial (I), Flores
Isl. (I)), Madeira (I) (Madeira Isl. (I)), Canary Isl. (I) (Lanzarote (I),
Fuerteventura (I), Gran Canaria (I), Tenerife (I), La Gomera (I)), S-India (I),
USA (I) (California (I))
as per  Catalogue of Life;
Stemless perennial herb with leaves from bulbs; leaves on up to 10 cm long petioles; leaflets 3, orbicular-obovate, 2-2.5 cm long, ciliate especially along margin, sometimes purple; covered with pellucid dots, turning black on dying; flowers rose, violet or white, with yellow throat, 4-5 cm across, solitary on a peduncle, shorter or longer than petiole.

Oxalis purpurea L., Sp. pl. 1:433. 1753
Syn: Acetosella purpurea (L.) Kuntze

Common names: large-flower oxalis; large-flower wood-sorrel; large-leaf wood-sorrel; round-leaf wood-sorrel
The correct identity of this beautiful species was decided after a long discussion with … on this thread.
Stemless perennial herb with leaves from bulbs; leaves on up to 10 cm long petioles; leaflets 3, orbicular-obovate, 2-2.5 cm long, ciliate especially along margin, sometimes purple; covered with pellucid dots, turning black on dying; flowers rose, violet or white, with yellow throat, 4-5 cm across, solitary on a peduncle, shorter or longer than petiole.
Photographed From Delhi University Flower Show. 

Very nice. Seems to have a unique shape of the leaves.

Oxalis obliquifolia from Delhi University Flower Show: Oxalis obliquifolia Steud. ex A. Rich., Tent. Fl. Abyss. 1: 123 1847.

syn: Acetosella obliquifolia (Steud. ex A. Rich.) Kuntze
This beautiful Oxalis was displayed in Delhi University Flower Show on February 25, 2011.

Sorry for the late response. To me this looks like Oxalis purpurea. Please see the following links

I had also considered O. rosea but perhaps deeply obcordate leaves and leafy stem discouraged me. Here is the description O. rosea from Hortus Third: 
Erect much-branched leafy-stemmed annual, to 18 inch; petioles to 1 inch long, leaflets 3, obcordate, to 1/4 inch long; fls rose with darker veins and white throat, in loose several-flowered cymes, peduncles 3-8 inch long.
My plant has larger leaflets (nearly 1 inch long) with mostly rounded tips (or slightly retusetip), the base cuneate and leaflets with ciliate margin. flowers occurring singly, It matches with:
This plant is much closer to O. depressa which according to Hortus Third is “Nearly stem-less, bulbous, rhizomatous perennial; leaflets 3, rounded or subtriangular, 1/4 inch long, cuneate or attenuate at base, glabrous or sparingly ciliate; fls white, rosy or violet with yellow tube, 1 1/4 inch long, solitary on peduncles longer than leaves”.
My plant has larger thicker leaves, ciliate on margin, pink flowers with yellow throat. Single flower is common in both species, a rather important character within genus Oxalis to differentiate species.

Finally we agreed on Oxalis purpurea



Sharing pictures of Oxalis purpurea from Delhi taken in March, 2012.

Identified from flowersofindia.net 

Yes … I just uploaded mine from Delhi Univ. Flower Show.

Beautiful ! The flower colour is striking and the leaf shape is unique!



MKP AU 010 June 2016 Second sp of Oxalis : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)

Sending herewith second sps of Oxalis. These too flower when temperature drops down and with the first shower of rain.
At present for last 15 days the temperature here is 5/6 C minimum and 11/12 C maximum.

Is it Oxalis purpurea? as per the link given on eflora

It appears close to the images at Oxalis debilis var. corymbosa & not Oxalis purpurea
But I have doubts due to hairiness of the edges of the leaves.

Yes, Oxalis purpurea L. as per images and details herein.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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