Oxystelma esculentum

Oxystelma esculentum (L. f.) Sm., Cycl. 25: (unnumbered) 1813. (Syn.: Asclepias rosea Roxb.; Marsdenia brockmaniana W. Fitzg.; Oxystelma alpini Decne. (ambiguous synonym); Oxystelma esculentum (L. f.) R. Br. ex Schult.; Oxystelma esculentum (L. fil.) Smith; Oxystelma secamone (L.) Karst.; Oxystelma secamone (L.) Schum.; Oxystelma zippelianum Bl.; Periploca esculenta L. fil.; Periploca secamone L. (ambiguous synonym); Sarcostemma esculentum (L. fil.) R. W. Holm; Sarcostemma secamone (L.) Bennet; Secamone aegyptiaca Ait.);
Australia (N-Western Australia: Kimberley, Northern Territory), Ethiopia, Chad, Sudan, Tanzania, China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan), Bangladesh, Cambodia, India (widespread), Indonesia, Laos, peninsular Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan (Karachi, Sind, Baluchistan, N.W.Frontier Prov., Peshawar, Swat, Pakistani Punjab), Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Java, Egypt (Great Southwestern Desert, Nile Delta, Nile Valley, SE-Egypt), Iraq (SE-Iraq: Mesopotamia), Israel (Rift Valley), Saudi Arabia (Hejaz, Asir), Sinai peninsula (N-Sinai, S-Sinai), Myanmar [Burma] (Ayeyarwady, Bago, Magway, Mandalay) as per Catalogue of life;
— Greek: oxys (sharp); stelma (girdle); in reference to the sharp segments of the corona … Dave’s Botanary
es-kew-LEN-tum — edible … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: needle-leaved swallow-wort, rosy milkweed vine • Assamese: বেঙেনা বুলিয়া লতা bengena bulia lota, গংগামালা gongamala • Bengali: দুধী dudhi, দুধিয়ালতা dudhiyalata, ক্ষীরাই kshirai • Dogri: गुलाबी दोधल gulabhi dodhal • Gujarati: જલડોડી jaldodi, જલદુધી jaldudhi, નારોટ narot • Hindi: दूधी dudhi, दूधिया लता dudhiya lata, दुग्धिका dugdhika, गर्भिणी garbhini, पयस्या payasya • Kannada: ದುಗ್ಧಿಕ dugdhika, ಮೇಕೆ ಕೊಂಬು ಬಳ್ಳಿ maeke kombu balli • Konkani: दुधाणी dudhaani • Malayalam: കിണികിണിപ്പാല kinikinippala • Marathi: दुधाणी dudhaani, दुधारी dudhaari, दुधतानी dudhataani • Nepali: अनारसिङ्गे लहरो anaarasinge laharo • Odia: ଦୁଧିଆ ଲତା dudhia lata, ଦୁଧିଆ ମେଣ୍ଢି dudhia mendhi, ଦୁଗ୍ଧିକା dugdhika, ସେବକାଳୁ sebakalu, ଉତ୍ତମା uttama • Punjabi: ਗਨੀ gani, ਘਰੋਟ gharot • Sanskrit: दुग्धिका dugdhika, क्षीरिणी kshirini, उत्तम uttama, उत्तमफलिनी uttamaphalini, युग्मफलोत्तम yugmaphalottama • Tamil: ஊசிப்பாலை uci-p-palai, உத்தமை uttamai • Telugu: చిరుపాల chirupala, దూది పాల dudipala, నేల పాల nelapala, పాలకూర pala-kura, పిన్న పాల pinnapala, సేప sepa • Urdu: ددهي duddhi, دگدهکا dugdhika, گربهني garbhini, پيسيا payasya
Names compiled/ updated at

The species has a wide distribution from northeastern Africa to southwestern Asia. The species is recorded from Egypt, east through Iraq, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Nepal to southern China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan) and south through Indochina and the Malay Peninsula to Indonesia.
The species grows in marshy areas, on the margins of open water in swamps, ponds and lakes, often rooting in the water and scrambling over emergent vegetation.
(From IUCN Red List (LC) )


Oxystelma esculentum:
Oxystelma esculentum from Panipat Thermal power station

I have yet to see this in Delhi. Hope to catch it soom.

in Panipat it is growing abundantly, but only in patches along with the distributries of Western Yamuna Canal. So appear to be brought by water channel in our area from somewhere else

More Pics of the plant from same area

With fruits from Karnal GT Road area


311011PD004 Oxystelma esculentum Flora of Orissa:
sharing the photograph of another very very important medicinal plant which i had taken from Ranpur, Nayagarh, Orissa

Name of the species:Oxystelma esculentum
Family: Asclepiadaceae
Place of collection: Ranpur, nayagarh, Orissa
Habit: Creeper
Habitat: Wet places, near stream and canals of human habitation and roadside.
Uses: The roots are used to cure chronic jaundice along with other plan parts.

KG :: 26 August 2012 – 0008:: Request for ID from Dibru-Saikhowa, Assam:
Please identify this climber from Dibru-Saikhowa, Assam. It’s now flowering.

Interesting! Forwarding it to my seniors who have worked on the flora of Dibru Saikhowa!

This should be Oxystelma sp. (Apocyanaceae) and most probably O. esculentum….

Yes indeed it is O.esculantum..


FRom hyderbad 20032013CS6 : 1 image. 6 posts by 4 authors.

I hope this is the rosy milk weed wine Oxystelma esculentum.
Habit: Climber
Location: Hyderabad
Flower color; Pink

I think so

I too must say, Yes.. lovely looking milk weed flower..

Quite lovely! I’m curious though, doesn’t esculentum mean something that is edible? Does that mean some part of the plant is edible?

I suppose its a famine food or something

Thank you … Truly adds colour to a barren fence and blooms every year after the rains


11042013 BRS 473 : Attachments (3). 4 posts by 3 authors.

Pl. find the attached file contain photos for id. confirmation.
Date: 02.04.2013
Location: Adyar, Chennai
Habitat: garden
Habit: Climber

Oxystelma esculentum … જળદૂધી [Jaladudhi] in Gujarati. A useful ethnomedicinal plant.

Supporting …


Oxystelma esculentum :
Please find attached flowering Oxystelma esculentum ASCLEPIADACEAE slender twiner in DADADALLI tank, Mysore, Karnataka on 11/05/2013



Flora of Panipat 2013:: Oxystelma esculentum :  Attachments (6). 9 posts by 9 authors.

This densely spreading and profusely flowering milkweed was shot from Panipat few days back..
wanted to share..
Oxystelma secamone (L.) K. Schum.
Syn. Oxystelma esculentum R. Br.

Very Nice, We have also this plant species in Kachchh-Dryland region, and mainly recorded near water sources/ditches etc.

Wow. First time observing the flowers in that large numbers. Excellent shots. Complete presentation. Very good.

Pl. see the notes from Flora of China (Oxystelma esculentum (Linnaeus f.) Smith):
Some authorities have suggested that the correct name for this species is Oxystelma secamone (Linnaeus) Karsten, 1883, based on Periploca secamone Linnaeus, 1771, but Goyder & Singh (Taxon 40: 629-630, 1991) showed that P. secamone is a synonym of Secamone alpinii Schultes from Africa.”
Also see efi page on Oxystelma esculentum

Very fine flowering and pics. Fruits are said to be edible. It is a rare species in Uttarakhand. In fact I added it to flora of Uttarakhand as an addition. The paper in JoTT is yet to appear.

Oxystelma esculentum :  Attachments (2).  6 posts by 6 authors.

Oxystelma esculentum
Mar.name :Dudhani
Today (28.10.13) at Alibag, Maharashtra

Oxystelma esculentum : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2).
Oxystelma esculentum
Local Marathi name Dudhani
Today (12.9.14) at Alibag

Thanks … elegant pics..


Oxystelma esculentum (L. f.) Sm. SN Dec 01 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)
Oxystelma esculentum (L. f.) Sm wild climber from Pochampalli area of Krishnagiri dt. Tamilnadu

Specimen identification : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Climber, Simple Opposite (single leaf, Hemidesmus indicus type), Synandrous androceium, gynostegium gynoceium, Gamopetalous, Hairy bi-sexual flower.
Location- Lake shore near birur, chikmanglore, Karnataka.
Please help with ID.

Please check for Oxystelma esculentum (Apocynaceae).
O.esculentum in eFI. and eFP.

Thanks, … Matches with images at Oxystelma esculentum

Help in identification, Location : Delhi : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5)
Please help in identification of this climber.

Maybe some Ipomoea.

May be Oxystelma secamone

thanks, … for the prompt reply and help with identification


Please help me with the name anarsinge laharo in Devanagari script.
…my attempt … ****सिङ्गे लहरो

अनारसिङ्गे लहरो  Anaarasinge Laharo


in Krishna Distt. of A.P.- Feb.’09; at Chennai- Dec’09; 29.4.2010/ 9.00AM-  400msl, Jamwa Ramgarh, Jaipur; Khukhrana Panipat- 060610; Panipat Thermal power station- Aug’10?;  efloraofindia | Google Groups

via Species‎ > ‎O‎ > Oxystelma esculentum (Roxb.) R.Br. … family: Apocynaceae » Asclepiadoideae

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
oks-see-STEL-ma — Greek: oxys (sharp); stelma (girdle); in reference to the sharp segments of the coronaDave’s Botanary
es-kew-LEN-tum — edibleDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: needle-leaved swallow-wort, rosy milkweed vineAssamese: বেঙেনা বুলিয়া লতা bengena bulia lota, গংগামালা GongamalaBengali: দুধী dudhi, দুধিয়ালতা dudhiyalata, ক্ষীরাই kshiraiGujarati: જલડોડી jaldodi, જલદુધી jaldudhi, નારોટ narotHindi: दूधी dudhi, दुग्धिका dugdhika, दूधिया लता dudhiya lataKannada: ದುಗ್ಧಿಕ dugdhika, ಮೇಕೆ ಕೊಂಬು ಬಳ್ಳಿ maeke kombu balliMalayalam: കിണികിണിപ്പാല kinikinippalaMarathi: दुधाणी dudhaniNepali: अनारसिङ्गे लहरो anarsinge laharoOdia: ଦୁଧିଆ ମେଣ୍ଢି dudhia mendhi, ଉତ୍ତମା uttamaPunjabi: ਗਨੀ gani, ਘਰੋਟ gharotSanskrit: दुग्धिका dugdhika, क्षीरिणी kshirini, उत्तम uttama, उत्तमफलिनी uttamaphalini, युग्मफलोत्तम yugmaphalottamaTamil: ஊசிப்பாலை uci-p-palai, உத்தமை uttamaiTelugu: పాల pala
botanical names: Oxystelma esculentum (Roxb.) R.Br. … synonyms: Asclepias rosea Roxb. • Marsdenia brockmaniana W.Fitzg. • Oxystelma alpini Decne. • Oxystelma esculentum (L.fil.) Schult. • Oxystelma esculentum (L.fil.) Smith • Oxystelma secamone (L.) Karst. • Oxystelma secamone (L.) Schum. • Oxystelma zippelianum Bl. • Periploca esculenta L.fil. • Periploca secamone L. • Sarcostemma esculentum (L.fil.) R.W.Holm • Sarcostemma secamone (L.) Bennet • Secamone aegyptiaca Ait. … GBIF
September 14, 2019 … Vasai Killa

oks-see-STEL-ma — Greek: oxys (sharp); stelma (girdle); in reference to the sharp segments of the corona … Dave’s Botanary
es-kew-LEN-tum — edible … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: needle-leaved swallow-wort, rosy milkweed vine • Assamese: বেঙেনা বুলিয়া লতা bengena bulia lota, গংগামালা gongamala • Bengali: দুধী dudhi, দুধিয়ালতা dudhiyalata, ক্ষীরাই kshirai • Dogri: गुलाबी दोधल gulabhi dodhal • Gujarati: જલડોડી jaldodi, જલદુધી jaldudhi, નારોટ narot • Hindi: दूधी dudhi, दूधिया लता dudhiya lata, दुग्धिका dugdhika, गर्भिणी garbhini, पयस्या payasya • Kannada: ದುಗ್ಧಿಕ dugdhika, ಮೇಕೆ ಕೊಂಬು ಬಳ್ಳಿ maeke kombu balli • Konkani: दुधाणी dudhaani • Malayalam: കിണികിണിപ്പാല kinikinippala • Marathi: दुधाणी dudhaani, दुधारी dudhaari, दुधतानी dudhataani • Nepali: अनारसिङ्गे लहरो anaarasinge laharo • Odia: ଦୁଧିଆ ଲତା dudhia lata, ଦୁଧିଆ ମେଣ୍ଢି dudhia mendhi, ଦୁଗ୍ଧିକା dugdhika, ସେବକାଳୁ sebakalu, ଉତ୍ତମା uttama • Punjabi: ਗਨੀ gani, ਘਰੋਟ gharot • Sanskrit: दुग्धिका dugdhika, क्षीरिणी kshirini, उत्तम uttama, उत्तमफलिनी uttamaphalini, युग्मफलोत्तम yugmaphalottama • Tamil: ஊசிப்பாலை uci-p-palai, உத்தமை uttamai • Telugu: చిరుపాల chirupala, దూది పాల dudipala, నేల పాల nelapala, పాలకూర pala-kura, పిన్న పాల pinnapala, సేప sepa • Urdu: ددهي duddhi, دگدهکا dugdhika, گربهني garbhini, پيسيا payasya

botanical namesOxystelma esculentum (L.f.) R.Br. … synonymsAsclepias rosea Roxb. • Oxystelma secamone (L.) H.Karst. • Periploca esculenta L.f. • Sarcostemma secamone (L.) Bennet … list of synonyms at Hassler, Michael (1994 – 2024): World Plants. Synonymic Checklist and Distribution of the World Flora. Version 18.3; last update Jan. 3rd, 2024. Last accessed 11/01/2024.

Bibliography / etymology

Links listed as references in the notes below, may not remain valid permanently. Portals / websites have a tendency to re-organize / revise their content, leading to change in URLs of pages in their site. Some sites may even close down at their own will.

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
written and spoken widely, in most parts of India
needle-leaved swallow-wort
rosy milkweed vine
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
written in: Assamese (অসমীয়া) … spoken in: Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya
বেঙেনা বুলিয়া লতা bengena bulia lota, গংগামালা gongamala
  • Many thanks to Brahmananda Patiri and Ashim Gogoi for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~
written in: Bengali (বাংলা) … spoken in: West Bengal, Assam, Jharkhand, Tripura, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
দুধী dudhi, ক্ষীরাই kshirai (or ক্ষিরুই kshirui)
  • Many thanks to Dollar Hasan for help with this name … facebook
দুধিয়ালতা dudhiyalata
  • Many thanks to Dollar Hasan for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ DOGRI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (डोगरी) … spoken in: Jammu & Kashmir … spoken by the Dogras
गुलाबी दोधल gulabhi dodhal
  • Many thanks to OM Prakash Vidyarthi for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
written in: Gujarati (ગુજરાતી) … spoken in: GujaratDadra & Nagar HaveliDaman & Diu
જલડોડી jaldodi
જલદુધી jaldudhi
નારોટ narot
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (हिन्दी) … spoken in: Uttar PradeshBiharMadhya Pradesh, Rajasthan
दूधी dudhi
दूधिया लता dudhiya lata
दुग्धिका dugdhika, गर्भिणी garbhini, पयस्या payasya
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
written in: Kannada (ಕನ್ನಡ) … spoken in: Karnataka
ದುಗ್ಧಿಕ dugdhika
ಮೇಕೆ ಕೊಂಬು ಬಳ್ಳಿ maeke kombu balli
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (कोंकणी), Kannada (ಕೊಂಕಣಿ), Malayalam (കൊംകണീ), Perso-Arabic (کونکنی), Romi (Konknni) … spoken in: Goa, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Kerala, Gujarat
दुधाणी dudhaani
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
written in: Malayalam (മലയാളം) … spoken in: Kerala
കിണികിണിപ്പാല kinikinippala
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (मराठी) … spoken in: Maharashtra, Karnataka
दुधाणी dudhaani
दुधारी dudhaari, दुधतानी dudhataani
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (नेपाली) … spoken in: NepalWest BengalAssamSikkim
अनारसिङ्गे लहरो anaarasinge laharo
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~
written in: Odia (ଓଡ଼ିଆ) … spoken in: Odisha, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
ଦୁଧିଆ ଲତା dudhia lata, ଦୁଗ୍ଧିକା dugdhika
ଦୁଧିଆ ମେଣ୍ଢି dudhia mendhi (or ଦୁଧିଆ ମେଞ୍ଚି dudhia menchi), ସେବକାଳୁ sebakalu
ଉତ୍ତମା uttama
~~~~~ PUNJABI ~~~~~
written in: Gurmukhi (ਪੰਜਾਬੀ) … spoken in: Punjab
ਗਨੀ gani, ਘਰੋਟ gharot
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
written in: Devanagari (संस्कृतम्) … used all over India by priests and scholars
दुग्धिका dugdhika, उत्तम uttama, उत्तमफलिनी uttamaphalini, युग्मफलोत्तम yugmaphalottama
  • Learn Sanskrit – पठत संस्कृतम् – शब्दकोशः
क्षीरिणी kshirini
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
written in: Tamil (தமிழ்) … spoken in: Tamil Nadu, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
ஊசிப்பாலை uci-p-palai
உத்தமை uttamai
  • for needle-leaved swallow-wort … Tamil lexicon [Madras], University of Madras
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
written in: Telugu ( తెలుగు) … spoken in: Andhra PradeshTelangana
పాలకూర pala-kura
చిరుపాల chirupala, దూది పాల dudipala, నేల పాల nelapala, పిన్న పాల pinnapala, సేప sepa
~~~~~ URDU ~~~~~
written in: Urdu (اردو) … spoken in: Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka
ددهي duddhi, دگدهکا dugdhika, گربهني garbhini, پيسيا payasya
Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Daman, Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, *Manipur, Odisha, Punjab, *Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, *Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal

* no given name / no name found, in the regional language(s) of the state

~~~~~ Last updated: 12-01-2024 ~~~~~
Names compiled / updated at

Both Malayalam and English spellings are correct


Images from Sh. Ravindranath Muthevi : 9 posts by 4 authors. 3 images– 3 to 4 mb each.

Thanks, …, When and where these images have been taken ?

Apocynaceae ??

It is Oxystelma esculentum (L.f.) Sm

Yes Oxystelma secamone?

These photographs have been taken in my lemon orchard near Tenali in Guntur District, AP  today (25.7.20). While removing the partial parasitic twiners like Tinospora cordifolia from the lemon plants this twiner was seen. Prima facie this seemed to me like Tylophora indica as seen from the flowers. But the leaves are slender. I think this is another species in the Apocynaceae family. Please help me to find it out.

… already confirmed it to be Oxystelma esculentum (L.f.) Sm

It seems to be O. esculentum. But as verified in the Google, in some photographs it is seen as having bipinnate leaves, though the twiner in question has slender oblong leaves. In some photographs it is shown as a bush, whereas it is a twining creeper. That is why I am still having doubts on it.

Pl. see Oxystelma esculentum for detailed images.
Net may have both correct as well as incorrect images.


MS/ID/SEPT/2020/12 – ID of the climber. : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Oxystelma esculentum ? Please confirm the I D. Photographed in Chennai.

I guess ID is correct!

I too agree with you …


Oxystelma esculentum from Karnal, Haryana-GS17122021-7: 6 high res. images.
Oxystelma esculentum from Karnal, Haryana, clicked 15-9-2011


Unknown climber from Assam KD 08 Aug 22:
Attached images are unknwon climber from Assam.. Please Id of the sp.
Date : 29.08.22
Location: Assam
Family : Asclepiadaceae (??)
Genus & species : ??
Habit : Climber

Oxystelma esculentum


Regarding identification of the species collected from Gajapati Odisha on may 2022: 6 images.

Oxystelma esculentum (L. f.) Sm. !

What is the edible part in this species Oxystelma esculentum?
esculentum refers to edible

Mainly medicinal  The leaves are traditionally used as diuretic, galactagogue, anthelmintic, antiulcer, laxative and antiperiodic. The plant is also used ethnomedicinally in throat infections, skin diseases and jaundice.
Whole plant edible, mostly a famine food.

https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Venkatesan-Govindan-2/ /publication/335828622_Traditional_wild_edible_plants _from_Cauvery_Delta_Region_of_Tamilnadu_India/ links/5d7e6bc0a6fdcc2f0f711af2/Traditional-wild-edible-plants -from-Cauvery-Delta-Region-of-Tamilnadu-India.pdf

Lance-like seed pods are edible. The plant is a good source of famine food. !

I did not know that Asclepidaceae species seeds are edible (now Apocynaceae)
This is good to work on


Regarding identification of the species collected from Khurda Odisha on December 24: 5 high res. images.

Oxystelma esculentum !

Oxystelma esculentum (L.fil.) Sm.


Updated on January 5, 2025