Pandanus emarginatus H.St.John, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 85: 247 1972.; . India as per POWO; .
Location: Pame, Pokhara, Nepal Date: 14 March 2024 Elevation: 815m. Habitat: Cultivated from wild This is an Pandanus nepalensis How is it different from Pandanus furcatus Roxb.? Thank you. Most of the database says it is the syn. Most probably Pandanus nepalensis, need fruit pics to confirm. Surely not P. furcatus. Here are more images. This is Pandanus emerginatus (not P. nepalensis as predicted earlier). From efi : Posting a photo of a fruit for Id seen in Lower Dibang valley, Arunachal Pradesh. Date/Time- 19.05.2010 Location- Place Dibang valley Arunachal Pradesh, Altitude- 400m, Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Wild Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Tree I think this is the cone of pine tree. Trees seen also in higher altitutdes of Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh. it is pine apple. In the plant habit it is mentioned as a Tree. How can pineapple a tree …? i too think this is a pineapple fruit !! looks same The ph0to is not very clear. Can you please send the full photo of the fruit? and the plant also if possible? I am quite sure this is pineapple!! Never a pine cone which is brown n woody by nature. I will kindly ask … for few information to resolve the ID.
How about Pandanus, dear?! I dont think this is a Pandanus fruit !! Kindly see the attachement where i have tries to compare the photo of … fruit with pineapple and pandanus fruit. Pandanus from my side too. Nice comparison! but you have to compare with all species of Pandanus, not one alone!!! Because, you may know that there are 15 species Pandanus in India (and about 700 in the world) and they all differ in shape and size of their syncarps / fruits. This could be one of the uncommon endemic species of NE India, for e.g. Pandanus assamensis? Pine apple is neither a tree, nor occurs in wild in Arunachal Pradesh, isn’t it?!!! Thanks for correcting me I think it is a pineapple. It used to grow extensively in Siang, and Changlang districts of Arunachal when I was posted there between 78-80 and thereafter on my visits there. We used to get six of them for a rupee then. Thanks … for the opinion. Dear …, i think it is your turn now! Please throw more light on the plant…like….who collected? what was the habit?…occurrence (wild/cultivated)…etc. And by any chance do you have picture of the entire plant? I am pretty sure that it is Pandanus. Even the habitat (river in the backround) suggests the same. Lets hear from … and others too. Thanks …, I collected this cone near Sesseri river, Lower Dibang Valley District of Arunachal Pradesh. The cone was very hard not like the juicy pineapple. I could’t found the entire plant. I am also suspecting that this is Pandanus species, which one please identified? I too think this is Pandanus. I think I could see a long dry leaf in the first picture from the top of the fruit! this is not Pineapple for sure….. But if u look at history it is called Pine apple for the same reason that it resembles a pine cone. Before the discovery of this fruit, they used to call pine cone as pineapple only, but when fruit was discovered, they gave new term pine cone for the gymnospermous cones and started calling the other one as Pine apple. Is it possible to identify this Pandanus fruit ? This fruit is from Pandanus emarginatus.
. References: Conservation Status of Indian Pandanaceae Rahul L. Zanan, Altafhusain B. Nadaf* – American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2013, 4, 51-56 – |
Pandanus emarginatus
Updated on December 24, 2024