Panicum sumatrense Roth, J.J.Roemer & J.A.Schultes, Syst. Veg., ed. 15[bis]. 2: 434 (1817) (syn: Milium attenuatum Moench ; Panicum albidulum Steud. ; Panicum attenuatum (Moench) Moench ; Panicum attenuatum (Moench) Willd. ; Panicum crispum Llanos ; Panicum miliaceum var. attenuatum (Moench) Willd. ; Panicum miliare var. hirtum Hook.f. ; Panicum paianum var. minus Naik & Patunkar ; Panicum psilopodium Trin. ; Panicum psilopodium var. coloratum Hook.f. ; Panicum psilopodium var. epaleatum Keng f. ex S.L.Chen, T.D.Zhuang & X.L.Yang ; Panicum royleanum Nees ex Steud. ; Panicum simplex Rottler ex Trin. ; Panicum simplex Willd. ex Spreng. ; Panicum sumatrense subsp. psilopodium (Trin.) De Wet ; Panicum virgatum Roxb. ex Steud.); June15SK03/03 : Panicum sp. : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (9)
These photographs were recorded in June 2012, in a uncultivated land. I collected a specimen and made a herbarium which I photographed the day before yesterday.
Is it P. psilopodium Trin.? Panicum psilopodium also known as P.coloratum Many thanks to … for resolving a long pending thread. … please update my earlier thread (under Panicum species) accordingly. Nepali Namem : श्यामक Shyaamak grass Panicum sp? Hooghly 19-06-12 SK: Found a very small grass in an uncultivated land.
Species : UNKNOWN
Habit & Habitat : wild grass, height – less than 1 foot, do not have any more detail
Date : 18/6/12, 9.35 a.m.
Place : Hooghly, WB Can it be Poa annua ? I was searching eflioaindia site. Don’t have any idea about grasses (or any plant). I searched all species mentioned in the reference book i use. None matches with these pictures. I recorded some more pictures of this grass today (22/06/2012). Attaching those pictures along with a brief description.
Average height : 25 cm.
leaf : 60 mm x 5 mm Probably a species of Panicum. I searched Panicum spp, that can be found in West Bengal. Info available at – gives me following Panicum species –
Panicum atrosanguineum Hochst. ex. Rich.
Panicum auritum Presl. ex. Nees.
Panicum brevifolium L.
Panicum curuiflorum Horneman
Panicum elegantissimum Hook.
Panicum humidorum Buch.
Panicum khasianum Munro ex. Hook.
Panicum legantissimum Hook.
Panicum maximum Jacq.
Panicum miliaceum L.
Panicum notatum Retz.
Panicum paludosum Roxb.
Panicum psilopodium Trin
Panicum repens L.
Panicum sarmentosum Roxb.
Panicum smuatrense Roth. ex. Roem & Schult
Panicum trypheron Schult.
Panicum walense. Mez.
Out of the species mentioned above P. maximum, P. paludosum, P. repens, P. sarmentosum, P. typheron are my choice, based upon google search. But Panicum maximum is a big grass and it is not likely to be my species here. Panicum sermentosum is stated as sandy soil inhabitant. Panicum paludosum is marsh inhabitant. That leaves me either P. repens or P. trypheron.
Description and images of Panicum repens can be found –
Description of Panicum trypheron –
The words “gaping spikelets” draws my attention. A reply from … as per another thread:
“Panicum psilopodium also known as P.coloratum“
. References: Flora of Davanagere District, Karnataka, India By B. K. Manjunatha (2004)
Panicum sumatrense
Updated on December 24, 2024