Papaver bracteatum Lindl., Coll. Bot. t. 23 1821. (Syn: Calomecon bracteatum Spach; Papaver orientale M.Bieb. (ambiguous synonym); Papaver pulcherrimum Fisch. ex Steud.);
Iran (EC-Iran, N-Iran, Iranian Aserbaijan, W-Iran), Northern Caucasus, Japan
(I), Vietnam (I), Slovakia (I) as per Catalogue of Life; Common names: Great scarlet poppy, scarlet poppy
Robust perennial herb up to 1.20 cm tall, simple or rarely branched; leaves up to 40 cm long, setose on both surfaces, bipinnatipartite, lobes bristle-tipped, lower long petiolate, upper sessile; flowers large, 10-20 cm across, on short to long somewhat appressed hispid peduncle, buds erect, subtended by 3-5 sepaloid and two foliaceous bracts; petals 4-6, red with dark basal spot; stamens numerous with violet anthers; stigmatic disc nearly flat to slightly convex, rays 11-16; capsule subglobose, 3-5-4 cm long.
Commonly cultivated in gardens in Kashmir. Photographed from Harwan garden.
Its very interesting and nice colours. I can see you used a big aperture (1/4.5) and low ISO (100) instead if you tried at smaller aperture (1/12) and higher ISO (250), you could have got more sharpness too. This could have also reduced the brightness on the back. But its a beautiful colour. Thanks for sharing the original picture.
With exposure time of 1/320 and if the blur is due to movement then it must be a storm that shaked the plant. Till 1/125 of a second its ok to take pictures without any tripod in normal condition. Picture is not sharp because light is bright and aperture is wide. yes, this happens to all of us, ONE: too often in the beginning of using the digtal slr with autofocus lenses…too much light will cause auto-foucs malfunction… esp in digiatal cameras.. Red colour is always tricky to photograph. yes, in digital.. I used to find it quite frustrating… so Now i try to find a matching fabric or paint swatch to photograph if I am clicking the red flowers at home… just to remember what the original flower looked like.. esp in the prosumer sony, but in my DSLR I can play around.. References:
Papaver bracteatum (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024