As per The Indo-Pacific Species of Parkia (Leguminosae : Mimosoideae) Helen C. Fortune Hopkins Kew Bulletin Vol. 49, No. 2 (1994), pp. 181-234:
Leaflets acute at apex; overall shape either oblong but narrowing towards the apex or somewhat sigmoid. Leaflets small, 6-10-5 x 1-2 mm, 52-72 pairs per pinna; valves of pods usually not indented between the seeds. Capitula 5-5-6 7 cm long, somewhat biglobose at anthesis, for Parkia timoriana
Leaflets 68-115(-130) pairs per pinna, opposite, linear, 5-8 x c. 1 mm, margins of adjacent leaflets imbricated, bearing a few white hairs; apex acute, base obliquely truncate; one-nerved. Capitula clavate with a short cylindrical part at the base for Parkia biglandulosa;
Parkia biglandulosa Wight & Arn. (Bangladesh (N); India (I) ; Andhra Pradesh; Arunachal Pradesh; Assam ; Bihar; Goa ; Gujarat; Karnataka ; Kerala ; Madhaya Pradesh; Maharashtra ; Manipur; Meghalaya; Mizoram ; Orissa ; Pondicherry; Sikkim; Tamil Nadu; Tripura; West Bengal; Myanmar (N); Mozambique (I); Caribbean-TRP (I); Panama (I); Mauritius (I) as per ILDIS)
Parkia timoriana (DC.) Merr. (India (N): Arunachal Pradesh; Assam; Karnataka; Meghalaya; Mizoram; Tamil Nadu; Tripura; West Bengal and other countries as per ILDIS)
Floriculture in India By Gurcharan Singh Randhawa, Amitabha Mukhopadhyay (1986- description-
Gardening in India By George Marshall Woodrow, G Marshall (1999- description-
Forests for Socio-economic and Rural Development in India By Sharad Singh Negi (1996-
Updated on December 24, 2024