Pavetta graciliflora ?

Pavetta graciliflora Wall. ex Ridl., Fl. Malay Penins. 2: 100 1923. (syn: Pavetta graciliflora var. latifolia Craib);
Indo-China to Peninsula Malaysia: Andaman Is., Cambodia, Laos, Malaya, Myanmar, Nicobar Is., Thailand, Vietnam as per POWO;

Photographs of Ixora grandifolia (Rubiaceae) shared: 2 images.
Botanical name: Ixora grandifolia Zoll. & Moritzi (Rubiaceae)
Photographer: Dr. M. C. Naik
Location: South Andaman Island, India
Habit: Shrubs, 1-2 m high
Habitat: Common in inland forest floor
Distribution: India (Andaman and Nicobar Islands), Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia.

I have doubts of this being Ixora grandifolia as per
As the style is quite long, it may be some species of Pavetta.

Thank you for pointing this out. This means the photographer misidentified his collections. I shall be more careful in future in sharing such images with you. Yes, I. grandifolia has bigger leaves.

You may post. I always check before incorporating in our site now.

I could find the following species listed in Andamans:
Pavetta gleniei Thwaites ex Hook.f.
Pavetta graciliflora Wall. ex Ridl.
Pavetta indica L.
If we get high res. images, we can identify it.

Here are the high resolution images of the same.
Hope you can resolve the issue.
2 high res. images.

Pavetta graciliflora Wall. ex Ridl. may be possible as per GBIF specimens- onetwothree and four.

But I am not sure.



References: POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  WCSP  Flickr  GBIF specimens- onetwothree and four (High resolution specimens) India Biodiversity Portal

Updated on December 23, 2024

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