Terminalia sp. for Id_15.05.204_AK_01 : 16 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (9). after a long time here I’m posting a few plant photos. I think, Genus is Terminalia, Combretaceae . On lower surface of leaf there are 2 prominent glands are present which i never saw before !! Location Satara, Maharashtra, 08.05.2014 Its Terminalia chebula for sure The long stipitate foliar glands are very puzzling. Did you see this kind of leaf glands on leaves of other individuals as well? … many thanks for possible id, … thanks for your reply !! …, according to “The flora of the presidency of Bombay” by T.Cooke, Though it is mention that in T.Chebula, T.arjuna, T.tomentosa & T.paniculata having 1 or 2 glands (prominent) present on lower surface of leaf !! But I never saw such glands before in Terminalia sp. (may be lack of my observation ) No no, I wanted to know that whether you have seen the same in multiple individuals in the field? Nope, this plant was single in that region but almost all the leaves shows 1 or 2 glands on lower surface !! saw a similar post on Indian Flora group that too is from Vai Satara ref Location and day of the photos was same. because, … is one of our Team member 🙂 (Same photos Posted by … in Indian Flora Fb group) In Indian Flora also, she got reply as its a T. chebula but still there is little confusion !! this is for sure not Terminalia chebula, the leaves and infl in T. chebula are very different. this is more closer to Terminalia crenulata/ T. tomentosa. but the glands in the current species are very prominent and long, however other characteristics like leaves and infl are more similar to T. crenulata. Seeing such a foliar gland for the first time. Fruiting material is required for proper id. Or else it is a sp. nov. Yes, …, I’m Planning to revisit same place for fruiting material !! You r most welcome. I have raised all the varieties of C. wallichiii to closely related species. I am myself confused with this photo. A fruiting photo will help me to identify it with certainty. … try to collect flowering material for pollen studies 9that may give clue if it is different sps. also observe the bark pattern. …, Yes, I’ll try all possibilities !! 🙂 Thanks for the suggestion !! |
Terminalia species- Peculiar foliar glands
Updated on December 24, 2024