Pedicularis bifida ?




White flower Peduicularis : 11 posts by 2 authors. 1 image.

This is a different Pedicularis found in the same location as the previous email – south facing slope, elevation 2300m, a grassy wet area. It was a very small plant about 5 to 6 cm tall.

White version of P. bifida?  No other images? leaves, habitat?

Thanks, … Yes, possible as per Pedicularis bifida
However, very difficult to check details with this low resolution image.

Pedicularis cheilanthifolia var. albida ?? But not listed in Nepal and looks different also!

May I request you to post high resolution images to check the details.  
Pl. also see A Revision of the Genus Pedicularis in Nepal – Bulletin No.31 (with keys)- Takasi YAMAZAKI



Here are three images. They are not the best. The plant was small not as tall as the surrounding grasses, probably 5 to 7 cm tall.

I found the paper you sent probably has the right  ID – I was not able to go through the key. I am traveling tonight but will wait for your verdict.
Thank you again for your help.
3 images- 4, 5 & 6 mb each 

This appears to be a variant of Pedicularis bifida, but not the same.

Updated on December 23, 2024

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