Peliosanthes teta Peliosanthes teta Andrews, Bot. Repos. 10: t. 605 1810. (syn: Peliosanthes altissima Donn; Peliosanthes graminea Ridl.; Peliosanthes mantegazziana (Pamp.) Pamp.; Peliosanthes minor Yamam.; Peliosanthes teta var. angustifolia Ridl.; Peliosanthes teta var. mantegazziana Pamp.; Peliosanthes teta subsp. teta ; Peliosanthes tonkinensis F.T.Wang & Tang; Peliosanthes torulosa Y.Wan; Teta petiolaris Voigt; Teta viridiflora Roxb.); . Sikkim to S. China and W. Malesia as per WCSP; . Assam; Bangladesh; China South-Central; China Southeast; East Himalaya; Hainan; India; Laos; Malaya; Myanmar; Thailand; Vietnam as per Catalogue of Life; . MS April, 2018/05 Peliosanthes sp. for ID : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Location : Aizawl, Mizoram Date : 23-04-2018 Habit : Herb Habitat : Wild Peliosanthes teta Andrews . Asparagaceae from Kumarghat: 3 images. Kindly tell me the name of species found in Tripura Any chance Curculigo I think Peliosanthes teta Andrews as per GBIF– specimen. . References: Catalogue of Life The Plant List Ver.1.1 WCSP IPNI eMonocot GBIF (with type specimens) High resolution specimen High resolution specimen 2 Flora of China FOC illustration India Biodiversity Portal Encyclopedia of Life (Specimen) Updated on December 24, 2024 Related Articles Peliosanthes macrophylla var. assamensis Peliosanthes ligniradicis