Pennisetum polystachion

Setaria parviflora (Poir.) Kerguélen, Lejeunia, n.s., 120: 161 (1987) as per POWO;
Pennisetum polystachion (L.) Schult., Mant. 2: 146 1824. (Syn: Cenchrus polystachios (L.) Morrone ….; Gymnotrix geniculata Schult. ….; Panicum alopecuros Lam. ….; Pennisetum arvense Pilg. ….; Pennisetum polystachyum (L.) Schult.; Setaria cenchroides (Rich.) Roem. & Schult. ….);
New World: Alabama, Argentina Northeast, Argentina Northwest, Argentina South, Arizona, Arkansas, Bahamas, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia, Brazil North, Brazil Northeast, Brazil South, Brazil Southeast, Brazil West-Central, California, Cayman Is., Central American Pac, Chile Central, Chile North, Chile South, Colombia, Connecticut, Costa Rica, Cuba, Delaware, Desventurados Is., District of Columbia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Florida, French Guiana, Galápagos, Georgia, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Jamaica, Juan Fernández Is., Kansas, Kentucky, Leeward Is., Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mexican Pacific Is., Mexico Central, Mexico Gulf, Mexico Northeast, Mexico Northwest, Mexico Southeast, Mexico Southwest, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Nicaragua, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Panamá, Paraguay, Pennsylvania, Peru, Puerto Rico, Rhode I., South Carolina, Suriname, Tennessee, Texas, Trinidad-Tobago, Turks-Caicos Is., Uruguay, Utah, Venezuela, Venezuelan Antilles, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Windward Is.; Introduced into: Algeria, Austria, Azores, Cambodia, Canary Is., Cape Provinces, Caroline Is., Chatham Is., China South-Central, China Southeast, Cook Is., Easter Is., Equatorial Guinea, Fiji, Hainan, Hawaii, India, Italy, Jawa, Kermadec Is., Laos, Lesser Sunda Is., Madagascar, Madeira, Malaya, Marianas, Marshall Is., Myanmar, Nansei-shoto, Nepal, New Caledonia, New Guinea, New Zealand North, New Zealand South, Palestine, Philippines, Réunion, Sardegna, Solomon Is., Spain, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Tasmania, Thailand, Tonga, Vietnam, West Himalaya as per POWO;
Common name: Mission Grass, blue buffle grass, feather pennisetum, feathery pennisetum
Height : 1-2 feet approx.,
Habitat : foot hills,

Date: 08 Nov 2008
Location: Near Mukkali, Silent Valley, Kerala
Western Ghats,


Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Juncaceae Week : Poaceae » Pennisetum sp. from Pimpri-Chinchwad : VG-02  : Attachments (6). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Sharing some images of a Pennisetum sp. as a host plant for the stalked eggs of the Lacewing Fly. The slender stalks of these tiny eggs (c. 1.5 mm w/o the stalk) are suspended upon a bristle of the inflorescence.
Clicked on the fringes of an agricultural landscape in Pimpri-Chinchwad, Maharashtra [10-March-2013]. Would appreciate a species-level ID of this grass, it is around 8 feet tall.

Pennisetum polystachyon


Please help me for identifying this species : (mixed thread): 1 correct image as above.  Attachments (1).
Please help me for identifying this species collected from Kottayam district of Kerala

Pennisetum polystachyon


Please help me for identifying this species collected from Kottayam district of Kerala (mixed thread):  1 correct image as above. Attachments (1).
Please help me for identifying this species collected from Kottayam district of Kerala

Pennisetum polystachyon. This is found in inflorescence colours varying from yellow to red, probably due to hybridisation with Pennisetum pedicellatum.


Grass For ID : Backwaters,Kerala : 110314 : AK-16 : Attachments (1). 5 posts by 2 authors.
Found an old picture of grass growing wild near the backwaters in Kerala.
Picture taken in Oct,2008.
Kindly id.

Definately a Setaria sp.

Pennisetum polystachyon A common grass found all along Kerala.


Grass for ID – 201214 – RK : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
At Lalbagh Lake, Bangalore – 14/12/2014

This has been id’d as Pennisetum setaceum by … on Indian Flora


Pennisetum sp.

It seems to be Pennisetum polystachion

Pennisetum polystachyon


Wild Grass : Bangalore : 130618 : AK-9 : 13 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Wild grass seen near a lake in April.
Pennisetum Species?

Setaria sp

Pl. check species available at Setaria  

Setaria viridis

efi page at Setaria viridis with images

Pennisetum purpureum ?

Thanks for suggested id. I had suggested Pennisetum too in my initial post. This was growing wild, not cultivated.

Yes it is Pennisetum polystachyon

ornamental grass :: Banasura Sagar Dam, Wayanad :: 15 NOV 19 : 9 posts by 3 authors. 3 images.
Banasura Sagar Dam  Wayanad
Date: November 15, 2019 … Altitude: about 980 m (3,200 ft) asl
ornamental grass  
Dear friends,
These pictures are taken just for sake of capturing the beauty of grass. Not requesting ID, because photos do not cover required aspects.

Beautiful scene, appreciate it. still i will take a stab at naming it? one on the left: the fluffy one Muhlenbergia sp? though can also be part of Pennistemum group.
I know you did not want id.  🙂

Thanks … for the possible genera 🙂
I too thought of fountain grass … but on internet came across so many of Pennisetum spp. and their cultivars, I thought is better to label it simply as “ornamental grass” !!
In such cases, perhaps recognizing works better than identifying.

Other recipients:
i had run into a lot of ornamental grasses in southern california over the decades but this year it was everywhere because of increasing use of xeriscaping plants for mass and color in roadsides and in avenue center dividers and now the grasses
i had run into a lot of ornamental grasses in southern california over the decades
but this year it was everywhere because of increasing use of xeriscaping plants for mass and color in roadsides and in avenue center dividers
and now the grasses are sprouting where they were never planted. they look very nice in slight breeze

Pennisetum polystachyon

Pennisetum polystachyon and Cymbopogon winterianus in the second picture

so my original spelling was incorrect.  correct genus spelling is Pennisetum.
species ided by … is Pennisetum polystachyon

SK 2450 11 February 2020 : 6 posts by 2 authors. 3 images- 5 to 6 mb each.
Location: Koh Chang, Thailand
Date: 09 December 2019
Elevation : MSL
Habitat : Wild
Pennisetum ??

Pennisetum polystachyon


Plants of Papua 5 – Grass:
A grass, 2 m tall. ID is requested.

Pennisetum sps ?

Pennisetum polystachyon


MS,Nov.,2021/32 Pennisetum sp. for id.: 3 images.
Location : Thenzawl

Date : 02-12-2016
Habit : Annual or perennial grass
Habitat : Cultivated/ Wild

Pennisetum polystachyon


Plants of Papua 5 – Grass:
A grass, 2 m tall. ID is requested.

Pennisetum sps ?

Pennisetum polystachyon



Setaria italica (L.) P.Beauv. SN 15Jan 25 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)
Setaria italica (L.) P.Beauv,
Thinai in Tamil, cultivated millet var,

Its Pennisetum polystachyon

Setaria faberi R.A.W.Herrm. SN Sep 45 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3).
Setaria faberi R.A.W.Herrm., introduced tall grass frequently growing profusely in the road sides.
Observed from Electronic city area of Bangalore.

I do not find its distribution in India as per POWO.

Looks more like Pennisetum polystachyon if it a tall grass. Press one of the mature spikelets to see if the upper floret jumps off on its own.

Thanks … for the identity confirmation I thought of Pennisetum pedicellatum


POWO  Flowers of India
Updated on December 24, 2024

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