Pentatropis nivalis (J.F. Gmel.) D.V. Field & J.R.I. Wood, Kew Bull. 38(2): 215 215 1983. (syn: Asclepias nivalis J.F.Gmel.; Asclepias nivea Forssk.; Oxystelma caudatum Buch.-Ham. ex Wall.; Pentarrhinum fasciculatum K.Schum.; Pentatropis cynanchoides R.Br. ex N.E.Br.; Pentatropis fasciculata (K.Schum.) N.E.Br.; Pentatropis hoyoides K.Schum.; Pentatropis madagascariensis Decne.; Pentatropis nivalis subsp. madagascariensis (Decne.) Liede & Meve; Pentatropis rigida Chiov.; Pentatropis senegalensis Decne.; Strobopetalum carnosum N.E.Br.) as per POWO; Sahel to Tanzania, Comoros, Madagascar, Egypt to W. India as per WCSP; Afghanistan, Burkina, Chad, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guinea, Gulf States, India, Iran, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sinai, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Yemen as per POWO; Common name: White Milkweed • Hindi: आकरी बेल Aakari Bel • Sanskrit: काकनासिका Kakanasika
Pentatropis nivalis : Oman : 05MAR16 : AK-1 : 01/01 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5) This is Pentatropis nivalis in the book Native Guide to Wild Plants of Oman. Id also confirmed by Dr Shahina Ghazanfar of Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. The last picture has been taken just yesterday (4.3.16) Wild Climber for ID : Muscat,Oman : 120812 : AK-1: A wild climber found growing on a hedge in Muscat,Oman on 13/7/12. Tiny white flowers seen. Id please. It is a member of Periplocaceae Schltr. or Asclepiadaceae. Its Pentatropis species of Asclepiadaceae ….. thought there are P.spiralis and P.nivalis. but this specimen is not matching with any one… May be you are right, Pentatropis sp., Pentatropis spiralis It should be of Pentatropis nivalis (as per images, details and references herein) rather than Pentatropis spiralis (earlier wrongly identified in Flora of Pakistan, but now no distribution in India as per WCSP, POWO and PROTA (syn: Pentatropis spiralis auct.) as per details and references herein. Flora of Panipat 2013: Pentatropis spiralis : Attachments (5). 3 posts by 2 authors. This milkweed was shot from near Panipat few days back (9.9.13), wanted to share.. I hope this should be.. Pentatropis spiralis (Forssk.) Decne. Yes I am also agree with P spiralis. New name according to theplantlist is Blyttia spiralis (Forssk.) D.V.Field & J.R.I.Wood. It should be of Pentatropis nivalis (as per images, details and references herein) rather than Pentatropis spiralis (earlier wrongly identified in Flora of Pakistan, but now no distribution in India as per WCSP, POWO and PROTA (syn: Pentatropis spiralis auct.) as per details and references herein.
Flora of Panipat: Pentatropis spiralis from Village Lohari Panipat : Attachments (6). 3 posts by 2 authors. Pentatropis spiralis from Panipat district Pls validate I hope this is rightly identified..lovely pics.. Thanks for Confirmation … Still have to solve mystery of P spiralis and P capensis It should be of Pentatropis nivalis (as per images, details and references herein) rather than Pentatropis spiralis (earlier wrongly identified in Flora of Pakistan, but now no distribution in India as per WCSP, POWO and PROTA (syn: Pentatropis spiralis auct.) as per details and references herein.
Climber for ID : 05112013 : RV 3 : Attachments (4). 6 posts by 5 authors. Requesting ID of this beautiful delicate climber growing in rocky terrain of Jaswant Thada of Rao Jodha Rock, Jodhapur…. picture taken in 3rd week of August in wild. … some beautiful member of Asclepiadaceae, now into Apocynaceae. Check for Pentatropis species. Yes, this can be Pentatropis spiralis… Apocyanaceae… Thanks … for giving a lead…. it is Pentatropis spiralis. It should be of Pentatropis nivalis (as per images, details and references herein) rather than Pentatropis spiralis (earlier wrongly identified in Flora of Pakistan, but now no distribution in India as per WCSP, POWO and PROTA (syn: Pentatropis spiralis auct.) as per details and references herein. This looks very close to my pictures. But I have no idea which Species are seen in Rajasthan. I need id of following Asclepiad taxon. Locality: JNU Campus Forest, New Delhi (part of Aravali Forest) Date: 16/04/2014 Pentatropis sp. Thanks … for your id up to genus level. Could be Pentatropis Species. This is just a suggested id. Blyttia spiralis (syn. Pentatropis spiralis (Forssk.) Decne.) ? … many many thanks for your id assistance It should be of Pentatropis nivalis (as per images, details and references herein) rather than Pentatropis spiralis (earlier wrongly identified in Flora of Pakistan, but now no distribution in India as per WCSP, POWO and PROTA (syn: Pentatropis spiralis auct.) as per details and references herein. Id100709phk : Attachments (3 + 3). 10 posts by 5 authors. Pl id this one, Is it a Tylophora spp. Alibag It is a Tylophora, but is it T. ovata? It is Pentatropis nevalis.
Just to remind you – Dr.Almeida had identified these earlier photographs of yours as Pentatropis nevalis. Pictures look similar to the images at Pentatropis capensis (L. f.) Bullock . Pl. confirm. I could not find any keys between these two species on net. If any one has them, pl. post so that proper Id can be done. On further search, PROTA says: “Pentatropis comprises three species: Pentatropis bentii (N.E.Br.) Liede from Somalia and southern peninsular Arabia, Pentatropis capensis (L.f.) Bullock from India and Sri Lanka and Pentatropis nivalis, which is now considered widespread from Africa to India, after a revision in which many species were put into synonymy. The last two species are closely related and it is well possible that they belong to the same species. Pentatropis is closely related to Tylophora and Pleurostelma. “ Flora of Pakistan does not mention Pentatropis nivalis, but gives only two other species with keys as below:
Pentatropis spiralis (Forssk.) Decne. is a synonym of Blyttia spiralis (Forssk.) D.V.Field & J.R.I.Wood as per The Plant List Ver. 1.1 There are no other posting of Pentatropis nivalis on efi. I am not sure of this id since I haven’t come across in India, but I will post Pentatropis nivalis from Oman in another post. Thanks, …, Here is the link to your post on Pentatropis nivalis Pictures posted by … from Oman at Pentatropis nivalis look much different from these. Pl. confirm the posted plant as Pentatropis capensis. Pentatropis nivalis on Arkive It should be of Pentatropis nivalis (as per images, details and references herein) rather than Pentatropis spiralis (earlier wrongly identified in Flora of Pakistan, but now no distribution in India as per WCSP, POWO and PROTA (syn: Pentatropis spiralis auct.) as per details and references herein.
Pentatropis sp??27112012-PKA1: Seen this climber with slender stem along the Mangroves near Mankhurd Creek (Mumbai). Very nice find. Me too have to rush to some nearby mangrove. It does look like Pentatropis capensis … Yes, it does look like P. capensis. Thanks … It should be Pentatropis nivalis rather than Pentatropis capensis as per details and references herein.
Names of Plants in India :: Pentatropis capensis (L. f.) Bullock : 5 posts by 2 authors. 1 image. via Species > P > Pentatropis capensis (L. f.) Bullock … family: Apocynaceae ~ Asclepiadaceae pen-tuh-TROH-pis — Greek: penta (five); tropis (ship’s keel) … Dave’s Botanary ka-PEN-sis — of or from the cape … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: five-keeled Cape swallowwort, stinking swallowwort • Assamese: কাউৰীঠুতীয়া লতা kauri thutia lata • Bengali: পঞ্চবৃতি লতা panchabrti lata • Gujarati: કૌવાડોડી kauvadodi, શીંગ્રોટી shingroti, સુડીયાવેલ sudiyavel, સુરજવેલ surajvel • Hindi: अम्बरवेल ambarvel • Kachchhi: ધોધવલ dhodhval, ધોધીઆલ dhodhial • Kannada: ಉಪ್ಪಿಲಿ ಬಳ್ಳಿ uppili balli • Malayalam: പർപ്പരം parpparam • Marathi: परपरम parparam, शींग्रोटा shingrota • Sanskrit: काकनासा kakanasa, काकतुण्डफला kakatundaphala, सुनासिका sunasika, सूर्यवल्ली suryavalli, शृङ्गारीति shrngariti • Tamil: ஈர்கொல்லி irkolli, உப்பிலி uppili • Telugu: చేకుర్తితీగ chekruti-teeg, చేకుర్తితివ్వ chekurthithivva, పొద పాల poda paala, పూల పాల poola paala botanical names: Pentatropis capensis (L. f.) Bullock … synonyms: Asclepias microphylla Roth ex Schult. • Cynanchum capense L.f. • Pentatropis microphylla (Roth ex Schult.) Wight & Arn. … status at The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1. April 7, 2019 … in Mumbai wonderful to see the pic and the indian names, Thanks … did you get to see and photograph the open faces of flowers and its seeds, which are quite unique I could not manage to get pictures of flower face; the plant was inside a thicket. I do have a picture of follicle, and another in stage of dispersing the seeds (taken few years back, at a different place) … Gorai mangrove Date: various … Altitude: about sea level Pentatropis capensis (L. f.) Bullock … family: Apocynaceae ~ Asclepiadaceae February 26, 2011 January 23, 2011 2 images. Typo correction: • Assamese: কাউৰীঠুতীয়া লতা kauri thutia lata It should be Pentatropis nivalis rather than Pentatropis capensis as per details and references herein. Pentatropis capensis in FOI : 2 posts by 2 authors. Images of Pentatropis capensis in FOI by …, should be of Pentatropis nivalis rather than Pentatropis capensis as per details and references herein. Pl. correct. Images of Shekhar Marathe at Pentatropis spiralis in FOI should be of Pentatropis nivalis rather than Pentatropis spiralis (earlier wrongly identified in Flora of Pakistan, but now no distribution in India as per WCSP, POWO and PROTA (syn: Pentatropis spiralis auct.) as per details and references herein. Pl. correct.
Pentatropis capensis :: Nagla forest :: 07 JAN 18 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 2 images. Nagla forest … part of Sanjay Gandhi National Park Elevation range: sea level to about 600 ft asl … January 7, 2018 Pentatropis capensis (L. f.) Bullock … (family: Asclepiadaceae ~ Apocynaceae) It should be Pentatropis nivalis rather than Pentatropis capensis as per details and references herein. …, any quick and specific aspect that points to nivalis separating from capensis ? I ask because there are leaves alone in the posted pictures. This is mangrove habitat. The leaves may grow thick as it matures. I went through both pages in eFI. Pl. see images just posted by …, in which I have marked you in cc. Corolla is much shorter in P. capensis and the corona shape and colour is much different. …, but in this post, there are no flowers, just long shots of the plant. Here I am going by other observations in your area as well as little difference in the leaf shape and apex, along with distribution given in Flora of Peninsular India: Thank you very much, … I will correct my notes in flickr, shortly. SD012 Plant ID help : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)- around 750 kb each. Need help with ID of this climber. Found in Gurgaon, in Aravalli biodiversity park. Elevation 280-290 m Pentatropis capensis Looks me like Apocynaceae Fm. Thank you all. This group has been really helpful, for non-botanists like myself, especially, who are looking to learn more about plants through observations. Actually, it should be Pentatropis nivalis rather than Pentatropis capensis as per details and references herein.
Pentatropis FOR ID :: Dahisar mangroves :: February 16, 2020 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 2 images. Dahisar mangroves Mumbai February 16, 2020, near to sea leavel Pentatropis ¿ capensis / nivalis ? … (family: Apocynaceae) Dear friends, Please help me know whether this Pentatropis plant is capensis OR nivalis. References: POWO |
Pentatropis nivalis
Updated on December 24, 2024