Petraeovitex bambusetorum (Cultivated)

Pen. Malaysia (Perak), Borneo as per WCSP;



06062013 ASP 42 : Attachments (1).  4 posts by 4 authors.

Can you please ID this ornamental climbing plant with yellow drooping flowers. Photo was taken in a park in Sri Lanka in Oct 2011

It may be of Petraeovitex bambusetorum (Lamiaceae).
Common name:
Nong Nooch Vine

wonderful, a climbing Lamiaceae !!!
the only (other) trailing lamiaceae I can remember at this moment is plectranthus
so i think i add this to the list…




080713 ASP 89 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors.

Can you please ID this ornamental with drooping inflorescence. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in Nov 2012.

Petraeovitex bambusetorum


Updated on December 24, 2024