Phallus indusiatus

Phallus indusiatus Vent., 1798 (Syn: Dictyophora callichroa Möller, 1895; Dictyophora indusiata (Vent.) Desv., 1809 …….; Dictyophora phalloidea var. callichroa (Möller) Lloyd, 1909; Dictyophora phalloidea var. rochesterensis (Lloyd) Sacc. &
Trotter, 1912; Dictyophora phalloidea var. rosea (Ces.) Lloyd, 1909; Dictyophora rosea (Ces.) E. Fisch., 1888; Hymenophallus indusiatus (Vent.) Nees, 1816; Hymenophallus roseus Ces., 1879; Phallus callichrous (Möller) Lloyd, 1907; Phallus indusiatus f. citrinus K. Das, S. K. Singh & Calonge,
2007; Phallus indusiatus f. indusiatus Vent., 1798; Phallus indusiatus var. indusiatus Vent., 1798; Phallus indusiatus var. rochesterensis (Lloyd) Lloyd, 1909; Phallus rochesterensis Lloyd, 1909);          
Netted Mushroom or Ladies Skirt; Bridal Veil Stinkhorn;


funghii for id mm1 01092011:  this fungus was growing in grass on the edge of a paddy field in goa
it was approximately three inches long and about three fouths of an inch thick
the photographs were taken towards the end of july this year
i would like to request an identification

This is Phallus indusiatus, Basidiomycetes (The stinkhorn fungus/long net stinkhorn). The net is not properly visible here (If i am right). Please find my image from Orissa. Please follow the link to conform.

Nice shot of one of the most awesome looking mushroom

Very unusual, like  abridal veil… is it truly a part of this mushroom?  what’s the function of a veil  ???

Many thanks for the id and the interesting paper
I think the skirts of the goa mushrooms got shredded because of the severe rains at that time



041111PD06 Phallus indusiatus. Flora of Orissa: sharing the photograph of Phallus (Synonym Dictyophora) taken from from Ranpur
Name of the species: Phallus indusiatus
Local name: Indrajal fungus
Family: Phallaceae
Place of collection: Ranpur, Nayagar, Orissa
Habit: Shrub
Habitat: Wild, under Semi-evergreen forests
Altitude: 400 to 600 m above msl

 In Orissa, it is added as primary ingredient in over 300 Traditional Formulations. Very important for Tantriks also and the Healers of Niyamgiri Hills have hundreds of interesting stories about this Indrajal. There are many interesting local names for it from Jhant Phutu to Lingi Phutu. Jhant means pubic hairs.
Unable to find the link but if I am not wrong, this species is already in EFL database. 

thanks a lot for the additional information on traditional knowledge which one of my interest area. I have already documented and took photograph of this species from Karlapat wl sanctuary, Kalahandi, Baisipalli wl sanctuary, Nayagarh, Mahendragiri hills, Gajapati, Niyamgiri hills, Kalahandi, Similipal biosphere reserve, Mayurbhanj and Ranpur, Nayagarh, Orissa. But there is thre varieties of this species, One identified and diposited in BSIherbarium, rest two are under progress of iD. Its been consumed by the local tribals in Ranpur.

I observed seven variants in Niyamgiri Hills whereas the Healers were claiming about more variants. Every variant is of specific use.
I strongly feel that the authorities must name new variants in your name like Prasadii or Dashii (Like that) as ground level workers rarely get such credit these days.


Seen this beautiful Mushroom “Phallus indusiatus (long net stinkhorn)??” en-route Matheran.
Date: 01st August 2015

Yes. Appears to be. Growing with Bamboo? Or other plants/organic debris?

Yes … you are correct

Fwd: [efloraofindia:230882] Himachal- KL2 : 5 posts by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Here are some beautiful mushrooms/Fungus from Himachal Pradesh

I think Phallus species

yes it is Phallus sps

We have two species in efi so far: Phallus indusiatus & Phallus impudicus


Its certainly not P.impudicus

Veiled Mushroom form M.P. NSD 2 22 Aug 2016 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)  
Friends sharing VEILED LADY MUSHROOMPhallus indusiatus.
Pench Tiger Reserve, M.P. India 
Aug 2016




at the Ranipuram hills of Kerala in June;  22 July ’07 in the national park in Mumbai; Another Netted Mushroom from Kerala – indiantreepix | Google Groups One more veiled mushroom! – indiantreepix | Google Groups




at CBD hills, Navi Mumbai- July’09; July 3, 2010 at 10.43am IST: near Lion’s Point, Lonavala; 27th July 10- Tala Village M.P.; At Alibag- 12 Aug, 2010;  Netted Mushroom – indiantreepix | Google Groups ¿ Phallus indisiata ? – efloraofindia | Google Groups Fungi for ID – efloraofindia | Google Groups Id130810phk1 – efloraofindia | Google Groups


Updated on December 24, 2024

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