Phanera khasiana (Baker) Thoth. in Bull. Bot. Soc. Bengal 19: 131. 1967. (syn: Bauhinia khasiana Baker in Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 2: 281. 1878; Kanjilal & al., Fl. Assam 2: 143. 1938; Bandyop. & al. in J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 29: 770, t. 4. 2006; Bandyop. in Candollea 68: 100. 2013. Type: Hab. Khasia, Regio trop, alt. 1–3000 ped, Hooker & Thomson s.n. [lectotype (first-step): K 000496925, photo!, K 000496926, photo!; lectotype (second step): Hab. Khasia, Regio trop, alt. 1–3000 ped, Hooker & Thomson s.n. (K 000496926, photo! specimen mounted on the top of the sheet); isolectotype BM 001010600, photo!, CAL 0000011245!, MH 65851!, L 0018741, photo!, P 030134–6, photo!, S (S-G-896), photo!]) as per Fascicles 26 of TRIBE CERCIDEAE of Flora of India (2014);
China (N); Yunnan; Hainan (N); India (N) ; Arunachal Pradesh ; Manipur ; Meghalaya ; Mizoram ; Nagaland; Laos (N); Vietnam (N) as per ILDIS;
Phanera khasiana (Baker) Thoth. : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Thanks a lot, …, for contributing photographs of species which are not there in efi so far.
This attractive climber? was far away to record closeup or good images, I initially took this as a profusely flowering tree, but speculated this as climber after zooming in..
Is it any Bauhinia? Recorded from near Bhalukapong, near Arunachal Pradesh..
Your inputs for id requested, if these poor pics can provide any help.
It is Bauhinia khasiana. Liana MS,June,2022/14 Phanera khasiana ? for id.:
Location : Rescue Centre road, Sihphir, Mizoram Altitude : 1,130 m.
Habit : Large climber
Habitat : Wild
I guess ID is correct ! Yes, appears close to images at Phanera khasiana Yes these are of Phanera khasiana.
. References: Fascicles 26 of TRIBE CERCIDEAE of Flora of India (2014) Catalogue of Life The Plant List Ver. 1.1 (Bauhinia khasiana Baker syn: Bauhinia bidentata sensu auct.; Bauhinia howei Merr. & Chun; Bauhinia howii Merr. & Chun; Bauhinia khasiana var. khasiana; Bauhinia pierrei Gagnep.; Bauhinia polystachya Gagnep.; Phanera khasiana (Baker) Thoth.) ILDIS GBIF Tropicos India Biodiversity Portal IUCN Red List (LC) |
Phanera khasiana
Updated on December 24, 2024