Phlox drummondii (Introduced)

Phlox drummondii Hook., Bot. Mag. 62: t. 3441 1835. (Syn: Armeria drummondii (Hook.) Kuntze; Phlox drummondii var. peregrina Shinners; Phlox goldsmithii Whitehouse; Phlox heynholdii hort.;  Polemonium drummondii (Hook.) Kuntze);  
USA (Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland,
Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South
Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Vermont), Canada (New Brunswick, Ontario),
European Russia (I), Uzbekistan (I), Taiwan (I), Korea (I), Java (I), China (I),
Myanmar [Burma] (I), Vietnam (I),
Venezuela (I), Colombia (I), Trinidad &
Tobago (I), Cameroon (I), Mozambique (I), Slovakia (I), Bosnia & Hercegovina
as per Catalogue of Life;

Common name: Annual Phlox, Drummond’s phlox
Different species of Phlox as per SFGate  Almanac  HGIC;



SK1137 23 MAY 2018 : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6) – average around 600 kb each.

Location:  Soureni, India 
Date: 6 May  2018
Altitude: 2900 ft
Habit : Wild

Phlox drummondii

Thank you …! Phlox paniculata L.  ??   

This is Phlox paniculata posted by me on efloraofindia.

…, I had written to … regarding misidentification of Phlox species and provided him photographs of P. paniculata in January 2018.

Most of the species on Flowers of India are actualy different cultivars of Phlox drumondii.
I request … to go through Phlox species at “Flowers of India”


Phlox Flowers : Uttarakhand : 020714 : AK-1 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1).
Cultivated Phlox flowers seen in a resort in the Corbett area on 23/3/13,
Are these Arctic Phlox as shown on the following link?
Or the more common ones?

Please show some leaves. If a taller plant (more than 30 cm tall), it should be P. paniculata

I could not find a picture of the leaves but found two more pictures of flowers, all were growing together.

No, … These are different cultivars of Phlox drummondii only.

Ok, …

Also appears to be small plants only.

Yes … These were small plants.

P. drummondii plants are much branched with smaller leaves covered with fine hairs. They are seasonal winter annual. 


Cultivated, garden Phlox flowers seen at a Flower Show in Mumbai.

Very nice top view. 

Appears to be some hybrid of Phlox drummondii

I have clicked many different cultivars of this species from different areas. 



These are some more seen at the Flower Show in Mumbai.

Attachments (3) 

May be some hybrid of Phlox drummondii



One more.

Searching all my Phlox pictures.
Attachments (1)

Phlox drummondii


taken this shot of flower in my school campus.

… species of Phlox … native of N America.

I think all pics are of different hybrids of Phlox

I think these should be Phlox paniculata cultivars

Again Phlox Drummond,

/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/phlox.JPGP. drummondii ‘Twinkle Star’


Phlox – efloraofindia | Google Groups : 1 image.

pic of Phlox flowers from my school’s garden.

I think your school is quite colourful

Colorful school and students with green thumb.

Yes … there is a big garden in my school… adorned with different kinds of flowers and shrubs. In winter season, the new fresh winter flowers like Chrysanthemums, Ziniahs, Phlox, Dahlias, Salvias, Marigolds are also planted. Then the entire garden and lawn turns colourful. And the gardender maintains them properly, The students are strictly instructed not to pluck the flowers.

I will post the pics of all these flowers in winter. 
yes … environmental awareness is being spread among the students. They are taken to natural habitats near the school, and the Indian Institute of Management campus for identification of birds and plants.

we have schoolgardens too in Germany. Here the students plant,  take care and grow the flowers etc. under the guidence of a gardner and school teachers. This would be the direct way of spreading environmental awareness. When the children, students themselves plant the flowers they care more for them. In many schools in Germany there are not only school gardens but also school ponds. That is how children learn about the small creatures in the water, analyse the quality of the water in school lab and watch the small creatures under the school microscope.  
I don’t know, if schools in India would like to teach the children in the same way, in addition to taking them on a trip to natural habitats near the school. Worth thinking and trying.
Till yesterday we were discussing the issue of kaas. Perhaps doing some gardening in the schools can be a way of getting to understand – instead of preaching – children how to respect the flora and fauna around us.

You school remonds me of my school days at St.Thomas Boys’s School Khidderpore
It had lovely gardens all around

Yes … There is a big garden in St.Thomas Boy’s Kidderpore. We have been sent there from our school for invigilation during ICSE Board Exam.

Yes … i forgot to mention… the students in my school do participate in the gardening activities…along with nature study. But frankly speaking in the Indian schools, the students rely more on bookish knowledge….

Wonderful concept … Hope this becomes more universal ! 

Why not try to change it then?   
Desmond dekker says:
You can do it if you really want, But you must try, try and try, You succeed at last! 

I think this should be P. drummondii ‘Twinkle Star’ as per Wikipedia & Flowers of India

/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/flower-2.JPGP. drummondii ‘Twinkle Star’


Showy flowers- Kolkata – efloraofindia | Google Groups  : 1 image.

shot of flowers from my school campus.

Most likely to be some hybrid of Phlox. May be Phlox paniculata.

About cultivated plant there is one book whose author is “Bailey”


are two books by Bailey…

Manual of Cultivated Plants

Cyclopedia of American Horticulture

I think this should be P. drummondii ‘Twinkle Star’ as per Wikipedia & Flowers of India




Garden Phlox For ID : Gurgaon : 16MAR16 : AK-7 : 07/07 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Phlox flowers seen in Gurgaon on 17th Mar, 2012.

Cultivated, garden flowers.
For Species id please.


These are seen in Gurgaon during March, 2012. 

If small plants, may be some hybrid of Phlox drummondii

Phlox drummondii



Phlox Flowers : Mahabaleshwar : 13JUN20 : AK-16 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Phlox flowers seen at Mapro Garden in Mahabaleshwar.

Also P. drummondii

Thanks a lot … All the plants I have seen in India are small, potted plants.

Yes, Madam 

/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Flower%20Show-Mumbai-DSCN2740.JPGPhlox drummondii ‘Twinkle Star’ 


Phlox Flowers : Flower Show, Mumbai : 13JUN20 : AK-15 : 8 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Again, seen at the Flower Show in Mumbai.

Most beautiful cultivar 

Thanks … Will this be a cultivar of Phlox drummondii only?

Yes, madam 

I’ll check for the cultivar 

May be Phlox drummondii ‘Twinkle Star’ 

Phlox drummondii ‘Twinkle Star’  


Phlox Flowers : Mahabaleshwar : 13JUN20 : AK-17 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)

Some more from Mahabaleshwar.

Seen in a garden.
Could be Phlox drummondii ‘Twinkle Star’.

Yes, Phlox drummondii ‘Twinkle Star’.

Phlox Flowers : Muscat : 17JUN20 : AK-18 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8)
Would all these be Phlox drummondii too?
Kindly validate.
All were small, cultivated plants.
First three in a plant nursery, the other in a garden.

Yes, madam 

Thanks a lot for validating and your quick response.
Many of my Phlox photos were wrongly identified.
I will correct them all.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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