Phormium tenax (Introduced)

Phormium tenax J.R.Forst. & G.Forst., Char. Gen. Pl. 24 1775. (syn: Chlamydia tenacissima Gaertn.; Lachenalia ramosa Lam.; Phormium atropurpureum Rafarin; Phormium flavovirens Le Jol., nom. superfl.; Phormium nigropictum W.Bull; Phormium ramosum (Lam.) Billb.; Phormium tenax var. atropurpureum (Rafarin) Carrière; Phormium tenax f. atropurpureum (Rafarin) Voss; Phormium tenax var. foliis-variegatis Rothsch.; Phormium tenax var. saundersii Carrière; Phormium tenax variegatum (W.Holloway) B.S.Williams ex J.Dix; Phormium tenax var. variegatum W.Holloway; Phormium tenax var. veitchii Carrière);
Norfolk Island, New Zealand: Antipodean Is., Chatham Is., New Zealand North, New Zealand South, Norfolk Is.; Introduced into: Ascension, Azores, Canary Is., Falkland Is., Great Britain, Guatemala, Hawaii, Ireland, Juan Fernández Is., Kermadec Is., Mexico Central, Mexico Gulf, Mexico Southeast, Mexico Southwest, St.Helena, Tristan da Cunha as per POWO;

A recent visit to Gangtok, Sikkim: this lily like plant noticed at one of the gardens.
Could not figure out what it is.
May be an Iris?

you have not provided the following:
height/length of the longest leaf
leaves pointed and sharp or not
leaves markedly succulent and not easily bendable or not
midrib vein thick or not…
these are pointers gardeners often can easily ascertain…

we have two obvious choices…
if its stiff and leathery leaf with perhaps a sharp pint its a YUCCA..
but relatively malleable, smoother to touch and thinner leaf blade its Coryline.
in yucca there are plants called ‘yucca colorguard’ in the nursery lingo.
and if its cordyline its most likely a a Cordyline australis which comes in various colors …
This is why some details need to be to be noted when you are curious about a plant

It is: Phormium tenax Purpureum


Phormium tenax ‘Atropurpureum’ from California-GS14092021-1: 3 images.
Phormium tenax ‘Atropurpureum’  photographed from Summerwinds Nursery, Sunnyvale, California, 9-10-2012.

Many Nurseries sell it as cultivar ‘Atropurpureum’, but it should be more appropriately ‘Purpureum’

Plant for ID : Fremont : 09SEP21 : AK – 004: 1 image.
While going through my California plants, I found some I had missed earlier.
Cultivated plant seen in Fremont with bronze leaves.
Cordyline Species?

This is one of the purple leaved cultivars of Phormium tenax, P. tenax Purpureum Group.

Yes Phormium tenax ‘Purpureum’ commonly planted in California
Just uploaded two, taken many years ago.

Phorminium tenax ‘Purpureum’ from Foster City California-GS14092021-2: 3 images.
Phorminium tenax ‘Purpureum’ in flowering  photographed from Foster City, California, 7-6-2014


Id assistance for Darjeeling plant: 1 high res. image.

I need id assistance of the attached plants
Locality: Darjeeling town Wards no 1 TN Road
Date: 12/08/2018
Altitude: 6800 ft

Agave or Yucca ?

I think this is (as per images and details herein):

Yes, it is matched with Phormium tenax


Updated on December 24, 2024