Phragmipedium besseae Dodson & J.Kuhn, Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 50: 1308 1981. (syn: Paphiopedilum besseae (Dodson & J.Kuhn) V.A.Albert & Börge Pett.; Phragmipedium besseae var. besseae ; Phragmipedium besseae var. flavum Braem; Phragmipedium besseae f. flavum (Braem) O.Gruss & Roeth);
Ecuador (Azuay) to N. Peru as per WCSP;
Orchid for ID : Atlanta Botanical Garden, Aatlanta, USA : 29MAR20 : AK-02 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Posting some Orchids from ABG which has been pending for a long while.
All pictures are from my visit to Atlanta in October, 2018.
All the Orchids are seen in the Conservatory of Orchids.
Looks like Phragmipedium bessie.
Thanks a lot for sharing.
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Phragmipedium besseae (Cultivated- USA)
Updated on December 24, 2024