Physalis grisea

Physalis grisea (Waterf.) M. Martínez , Taxon 42(1): 104 104 1993. (Syn: Physalis pubescens var. grisea Waterf.);
Common name: Grey Ground Cherry, Strawberry Tomato, Dwarf cape gooseberry, Downy ground cherry
As per efi thread :
The two species often confused with each other are differentiated as under:
Anthers purple; corolla with 5 brown spots on the throat; fruiting calyx as long as broad and abruptly acuminate at apex; berry tawny orange when mature; stems (young) and major veins of leaves covered with villous pubescence intermixed with sessile glands; leaves gray green and coarsely and prominently dentate from base and frequently drying orange or with orange spots ……… Physalis grisea
Anthers yellow (without purple tinge); corolla with 5 pale green inconspicuous spots on the throat; fruiting calyx longer than broad and gradually acuminate at apex; berry gray green when mature; stems (young) and major veins of leaves covered with villous pubescence intermixed with short stalked glands; leaves light green, coarsely and prominently dentate from middle and frequently drying yellow … P. pruinosa.


Physalis grisea (Waterf.) M. Martínez, Taxon 42:104. 1993
The two species often confused with each other are differentiated as under:
Anthers purple; corolla with 5 brown spots on the throat; fruiting calyx as long as broad and abruptly acuminate at apex; berry tawny orange when mature; stems (young) and major veins of leaves covered with villous pubescence intermixed with sessile glands; leaves gray green and coarsely and prominently dentate from base and frequently drying orange or with orange spots……………….… Physalis grisea
Anthers yellow (without purple tinge); corolla with 5 pale green inconspicuous spots on the throat; fruiting calyx longer than broad and gradually acuminate at apex; berry gray green when mature; stems (young) and major veins of leaves covered with villous pubescence intermixed with short stalked glands; leaves light green, coarsely and prominently dentate from middle and frequently drying yellow.. P. pruinosa
Here is P. grisea photographed on April 10 from Tikkar Tal Lake in Morni, Haryana. Please note the colour of leaves, leaf margin, nearly globose fruiting calyx shortly pointed.
Common names: dwarf Cape-gooseberry, hairy ground-cherry, strawberry-tomato

Thanks Sir… Seeing this, I think I have created confusion in your other post of Physalis pruinosa.. 

I feel all images belong to Physalis grisea (Waterf.) M. Martinez
Look different from images at Physalis pruinosa L.


Physalis grisea (Waterf.) M. Martínez, Taxon 42:104. 1993
One more addition to the Solanaceae week. Plant similar and often confused with P. peruviana like which it has brown spots at the base of corolla and plant is densely villous, but diifers in its small, annual habit, smaller flowers (9-10 mm across), smaller fruiting calyx abruptly acuminate at apex, covered with long simple and glandular hairs and bluish anthers.
Photographed on April 10 from Tikkar Tal Lake in Morni, Haryana..
Common names: dwarf Cape-gooseberry, hairy ground-cherry, strawberry-tomato

After careful scrutiny it appears that my image number 1 and 5 belong to P. pruinosa
2,3,4 and 6 belong to P. grisea
Unfortunately I do not have open flowers of P. pruinosa for conclusive distinction.
Please note colour of leaves and fruiting calyx shape.



Solanaceae Fortnight:: Physalis grisea from Morni Hills-NS Feb 32/32 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
This gooseberry was recorded from Morni Hills, was identifed as Physalis grisea
Posted again for revalidation..

Superb photos, …; the plant new to me. Thanks for sharing.


This small herb was recorded from near Mussoorie, was not having fruits at that time, and I even didn’t bother to take more pictures..
Please suggest if this can be Physalis grisea or otherwise..

I think yes

(i) corolla 15-25 mm across; anthers 3-4 mm long; leaves rounded to cordate at base, acuminate at apex, usually coarsely and evenly toothed = peruviana L.
(ii) corolla 7-10 mm across; anthers 1-2 mm long, anthers yellowish; leaves very oblique at base; plant odourless = grisea (Waterf.) M. Martínez; syn. pubescens var. grisea
(iii) corolla 9-15 mm across; anthers 1-2 mm long, anthers bluish; leaves slightlyv or not oblique at base; plant strongly odorous = pubescens L.

Physalis grisea in FOI : 4 posts by 2 authors.

Flowers of India appears to be not working. I do not know whether Physalis grisea in FOI has been corrected or not.

None of these is on FOI. The images there seem to be correct.

Yes, … Already corrected now by …


Plants for ID…: 6 images. One species of Physalis collected from Narcondam Island.
Requested to please provide ID.

i think this plants name is Physalis minima

it’s not, there clear dense hairs, very close to peruviana,

It is more closer to Physalis grisea as per images herein.

Is it possible to have this sp. in Andaman since it has got recent distribution record in Tamilnadu only bedsides USA , Belgium and some other countries only.


Solanaceae Fortnight: Physalis pruinosa from Morni, Haryana-GSFEB47/50 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)

Physalis pruinosa L., Sp. Pl.: 184. 1753
The two species often confused with each other are differentiated as under:
Anthers purple; corolla with 5 brown spots on the throat; fruiting calyx as long as broad and abruptly acuminate at apex; berry tawny orange when mature; stems (young) and major veins of leaves covered with villous pubescence intermixed with sessile glands; leaves gray green and coarsely and prominently dentate from base and frequently drying orange or with orange spots……………….… Physalis grisea
Anthers yellow (without purple tinge); corolla with 5 pale green inconspicuous spots on the throat; fruiting calyx longer than broad and gradually acuminate at apex; berry gray green when mature; stems (young) and major veins of leaves covered with villous pubescence intermixed with short stalked glands; leaves light green, coarsely and prominently dentate from middle and frequently drying yellow.. P. pruinosa.
Here is P. pruinosa photographed on April 10 from Tikkar Tal Lake in Morni, Haryana. Please note lighter green leaves, prominently dentate leaf margin, fruiting calyx gradually narrowed at apex. Unfortunately I could not open corolla to nail the differences..

Thanks for differentiating the two, this means that my proposed identification is to be re-looked, your post is a great help in the direction..
I am enclosing pictures from my upload which I think belong to same species, shot from same location, and show open corolla..
Attachments (2)

These two images by … are of Physalis peruviana L.

I feel all the images belong to Physalis grisea (Waterf.) M. Martinez
Look different from images at Physalis pruinosa L.


Posted in 2011: in 2019 published as new record for India:
It was posted by Gurchanran Singh ji at Solanaceae Week: Physalis grisea from Tikkar Tal Lake Morni in 2011 as Physalis grisea (Waterf.) M. Martinez and subsequently by Nidhan Singh ji.

It has now been published as a new record for India in 2019 as per details at Physalis grisea (Waterf.) M.Martínez (Solanaceae): A new distributional record for India, January 2019.

Wonderful, so nice, … !! Hearty congratulations, Gurcharan ji and Nidhan ji !!!

Really nice to know this, thanks … for sharing the news..!!

Great. Hearty congratulations, Gurcharan ji and Nidhan ji.

Very interesting. Gurcharan sir should have published first. Seems like a variable species on GBIF, not sure if some are misidentified. Not my cup of tea !!! 🙂


Updated on December 24, 2024

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