Physostegia virginiana (USA)

Canada to NE. Mexico as per WCSP;

Physostegia virginiana (obedient plant, obedience, or false dragonhead)[1] is a species of flowering plant in the mint family, Lamiaceae. It is native to North America, where it is distributed from eastern Canada to northern Mexico.[1]

Physostegia are known commonly as obedient plants because a flower pushed to one side will often stay in that position.[2] The name false dragonhead refers to the dragonheads of the related Dracocephalum,[2] a genus to which the plant once belonged.[3]

It is a rhizomatous perennial herb producing clumps of stiff, squared stems 2 to 4 feet tall. The leaves are lance-shaped and toothed. It has long, dense spikes of lipped, pinkish, “snapdragon-like” flowers in the summer.[2]
There are two recognized subspecies. The ssp. praemorsa is more widespread farther south, to Texas and New Mexico, and the ssp. virginiana extends farther north and west.[4]

It is considered a good plant for adding late-season flowers to a garden. Fertile soils produce robust growth and wide spreading, and the plant may require staking. When it grows tall it has a “tendency toward floppiness” that can be controlled with pruning. It can be aggressive and dominate a landscape.[2]
(from Wikipedia on 18.9.16)

Physostegia virginiana
Common names: Obedient plant, False dragonhead
Family: Lamiaceae
Found this beautiful ornamental, growing here in Fremont, California and flowering this month (Sept.’16) only.  

Updated on December 24, 2024