Pilea symmeria

Pilea symmeria Wedd. ;
S-Tibet, Bhutan, N-India, Nepal, Sikkim as per Catalogue of Life;



SK1224 22 JUNE 2018 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8)-around 600 kb each. 

Location: Jaubari, Sandakphu, India
Date: 13 May 2018
Altitude: 10000 ft.
Habit : Wild
Which Urticaceae is this ?

Pilea you recently posted?  

Look matching … but confusion about the elevation.

Flora of China gives elevation upto 3000 m for Pilea scripta

I checked the details in Flora of Bhutan of closely related species, as below:
3. P. scripta (D. Don) Weddell. Nep: Sheta Gag/ata {117).
Monoecious or dioecious herb up to 1 or 1.5 m, woody at base, glabrous, stems succulent, swollen above nodes. Leaves elliptic or lanceolate, often slightly asymmetric, 9- 23 x 3.5- 6 em, acuminate, base tapering but rounded at insertion, margins finely serrate, lateral veins numerous, conspicuous, reticulations interruptedly thickened; petioles 2.5-5 cm; stipules lanceolate, c 3 mm. Male panicles often large and spreading, up to 15 cm, in lower axils. Female panicles up to 6 cm long, in upper axils. Achenes ovate, c 0.75 mm, minutely roughened, with rim smooth, thickened.
Bhutan : S-Chukka district (Marich on g) and Gaylegphug district (Betni and Rani Camp), C- Punakha district (near Tinlegang); Sikkim. Warm broad-leaved forests, on moist shady slopes, 1000- 1900 m. July- September.
Some plants from Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh (Nyam Jang Chu) have broader leaves and approach very closely P. trinervia Wight , a S Indian species which may be better regarded as a subspecies of P. scripta.
4. P. symmeria Weddell; P. wightii sensu F.B.I. , p.p. non Weddell. Fig. 11a – c.
Similar to P. scripta, but a smaller plant 15- 30 (- 50) cm, with more ovate leaves 6- 12 x 3- 4.5 em, base less tapering and more rounded, margins with fewer but coarser teeth, often blotched whitish between veins, reticulations less conspicuous and without interrupted thickenings; sometimes sparsely pilose above; petioles often shorter, 0.5- 2 (-4) cm. Panicles often smaller, 2- 10 cm. Achenes almost smooth.
Bhutan: C-Thimphu to Mongar districts, common , N-Upper Mo Chu and Upper Bumthang Chu districts; Sikkim. Moist Hemlock/ Rhododendron and Evergreen oak forests, on shaded banks and by streams, 2200- 3300 m. May- July.
The commonest form, found in Hemlock forests, has ovate, coarsely serrate leaves; plants from Evergreen oak. forests are more robust and have more elliptic, shallowly se rrate leaves. A form with smaller leaves occurs at much lower altitude in Chukka district (Marichong).
5. P. martinii (liveill~ Handel-Mazzetti
Closely allied to P. symmeria but plants larger, up to 1 m, with larger leaves up to 20 x 10 em, always coarsely serrate.
Bhutan: C-Tashigang district (Tashigang and Tashi Yangtsi). Moist forests,2 100-2300 m. July-August.
A single collection from Thimphu district (Barshong) resembles P. martinii and large forms of P. symmeria but differs from both in its conspicuously pubescent leaves.
Keeping the above in mind, I think it may be P. symmeria Weddell.

Pl. also see GBif specimens.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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