Pimelea linifolia subsp. linifolia (Australia)

Pimelea linifolia Sm., Spec. Bot. New Holland 3: 31-33, pl. 11 31 1794. (Syn: Banksia linifolia (A. Cunn. ex Meisn.) Kuntze; Banksia spathulata (Labill.) Kuntze; Calyptrostegia cernua (R. Br.) C. A. Mey.; Calyptrostegia linifolia (A. Cunn. ex Meissn.) C. A. Mey.; Calyptrostegia spathulata (Labill.) C. A. Mey.; Pimelea cernua R. Br.; Pimelea collina A. Cunn. ex Benth.; Pimelea colorans A. Cunn. ex Meissn.; Pimelea cunninghamii Meisn.; Pimelea filamentosa Rudge; Pimelea involucrata Banks & Soland. ex Wikstr.; Pimelea ligustrina Sieber ex Meissn.; Pimelea linifolia A. Cunn. ex Meissn.; Pimelea linifolia var. abietina Meisn.; Pimelea linifolia var. andersonii Meisn.; Pimelea linifolia var. brownii Meisn.; Pimelea linifolia var. smithiana Meisn.; Pimelea nutans Meisn.; Pimelea paludosa R. Br.; Pimelea linifolia A. Cunn. ex Meissn.; Pimelea spathulata Labill.);
Australia (SE-South Australia, E-Queensland from Cairns southwards, E-New South
Wales, Victoria and Tasmania)
as per Catalogue of Life;

This small shrub was found growing wild near 3-sisters (Blue Mountains), New South Wales..
The closest identification is Pimelea linifolia..

I was confused with the red spots at the based of petals as I could not find these on net.
Finally got it at
https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/A_specimen_of_the_botany_of_New_Holland/Pimelea_linifolia (Corolla very slender, tubular, snow-white, silky externally; the limb in four equal ovate spreading segments, with a red spot on the base of each withinside.) 

Thanks … for confirmation of id 

Updated on December 24, 2024