Pinus roxburghii

Pinus roxburghii Sarg., Silva N. Amer. 11: 9 1897. (syn. Pinus longifolia Roxb. ex Lamb. [Illegitimate]);
Pakistan to Himalaya and NW. India as per WCSP;
Himalaya, from Pakistan to NE India, Arunachal Pradesh (Assam, Kameng District) as per Catalogue of Life;
Common name: Chir pine, Himalayan longleaf pine • Hindi: Chir चीड • Manipuri: ꯎꯆꯥꯟ Uchan • Nepali: खोटे सल्ला Khote Sallaa, रानी सल्ला Raanee Sallaa, औले सल्ला Aule Sallaa

Picture taken at a park in Udhampur, Kashmir on way to Patni Topon the 5th of Sept,11.
Another Pine species. 
Could this be Chir Pine?

Though spur is needed for clarifications, this looks to me as P. roxburghii

Yes P. roxburghii. The other species P. wallichiana mostly occurs above 5000′ and occurs in Kashmir valley.

This is Pinus roxburghii for sure, but the other pic could be confusing. In dry state of cone its not always easy to id P. wallichiana. So its always advisable to count the needles.

Yes … But I have never seen P. roxburghii in Kashmir valley with high mountains on all sides, other wise as rest of Western Himalayas you ascend from below 2000′ to alpine zone and can expect the two species to overlap in the transition zone, or on different aspects.

In Uttarakhand we do get confused at at many places you can even find them together.
Havent been to Kashmir yet though.

Yes, although not a close image, it does appear to be P.roxburghii.  Definitely not P.wallichiana


Pine Tree For ID : Uttarakhand : 220413 : AK-3 : Attachments (4). 5 posts by 3 authors. 
Pine tree seen in the Bhimtal area on 23/3/13.
Kindly confirm the correct id.

Cannot be certain without looking at the spur.. but this looks like Pinus roxburghii..

Pinus roxburghii is the common wild pine in the area.

Pine for ID : Nasik : 050713 : AK-3 : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 2 authors.
A Pine seen at a plant nursery in Nasik on 30/11/11.
This was a small, young, potted plant for sale.
Id please.  

With three needles in a group it seems Pinus roxburghii. A widespread Himalayan Pine.


Gymnosperma Fortnight : Attachments (2). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Which pine is it? The photo is taken at Sultanpur Farm Delhi.

Pinus roxburghii
Planted at many places in Delhi


Pinus roxburghii (Pinaceae) is a widespread conifer occurring in 800-2000m altitude in Uttarakhand.
This species is commercially important as it is a source of ‘Leesa’ (resin obtained from stem) which is used for making turpentine oil. Extensive plantations of this species have been done by forest department. These trees at the base are tapped for resin as visible in attached pics.


This common pine of low altitude was shot from Morni Hills in Haryana..
I think this should be Pinus roxburghii Sarg. …please validate

I think yes

Gymnosperms fortnight: Pinus wallichiana A.B.Jacks. sm2: Attachments (1).  3 posts by 3 authors.
Hopefully id is correct
Have only one image as it was taken from a moving vehicle. 

More chances of P. roxburghii

I agree with …, this looks more like P. roxburghii….

GYNMOSPERM FORTNIGHT :: Pinus roxburghii ?? Pangot SMP01: Attachments (1). 3 posts by 3 authors.
I hope the attached picture is of Pinus roxburghii.
Please opine.

Yes, to me you are right …

Yes it IS P.roxburghii.


Pinus roxburghii, ‘Chir Pine’, ‘Kulain’ is one of the most common conifers in Uttarakhand hills. It occurs, and planted also in pure large stands.
One of the very large revenue generating tree species in hills this Chir Pine is also accused of invading and replacing native climax species of Oaks (Quercus species). Not only this, the fallen needles are also considered responsible for rapid spread of devastating forest fires in hills

Very good pictures of the Himalayan Pine

Yes …, perhaps these are not mere allegations..

Pinus roxburghii Sarg., common Himalayan pine growing at lower altitudes;
leaves in fascicles of 3, upto 30 cm long; cones stiff and up to 20 cm long, with reflexed scale tips.
Photographed at Rudraprayag in Uttarakhand.

A very common and handsome pine of lower hills…thanks Sir..


Gymnosperms Fortnight : 11122013 ARK-05 : Pinus roxburghii from Almora, Uttarakhand :  Attachments (4). 5 posts by 3 authors.
Attached are pictures of Pinus roxburghii from Almora, Uttarakhand captured in November 2012.
Requested to please validate ID.

Very good photographs


Pinus roxburghii : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1).

This seems to be a deformed tree or an individual growing under stress; otherwise chir pine make tall single bole trees in the Himalaya.



Pine Species For ID : Srinagar : 15JUN16 : AK-24 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Another Pine Species seen in the same Botanical Garden.

…, do you have any pic of Cone

Cone is seen in one of the pictures. I will crop the image and send.

Here is a cropped picture. Not too good as there were very few cones that too high up on the tree. The cone was shorter than the earlier one Pinus wallichiana. Hope it helps.

Thanks …, Your plant looks like Pinus roxburghii

Pinus roxburghii Sarg. (accepted name) : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Sharing some pictures of Pinus roxburghii Sarg. (accepted name) shot at Chautara Napal on 21 January 2014 at 4500 ft.
Nepali name: खोटे सल्ला Khote Sallaa / रानी सल्ला Raanee Sallaa / औले सल्ला Aule Sallaa 

Yes, the male stobilii in cluster. Large number of winged pollengrains are produced in them in spring.




Pinus roxburghii AT NOV 2016/06 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Pinus roxburghii (Syn. Pinus longifolia)
Common name: Chir pine
Shimla & Solan (H.P.)
March 2014 &  October 2016

The species name Pinus longifolia was used by Salisbury for another plant from southeastern United States in 1796 (accepted name Pinus
Mill. given in 1768) . Unaware of this name, Roxburgh named Himalayan chir pine as Pinus logifolia in 1803. Later, Sargent came
across this mistake and named it as P. roxburghii in honour of Roxburgh in 1897. So, P. longifolia is an illegitimate later homonym
(Melbourne ICN Art. 53) that was unavailable for use.

Attachments (2)

Superb images and details.

Excellent images.  Informative – CLEARLY very different to P.wallichiana.  I shall shortly be posting some images of first year (immature) green cones of P.wallichiana.


SK996 6 MAR-2018 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Location: Chautarai, Nepal  
Date: 19 January 2014
Altitude: 4600 ft.
Habit : Wild
Pinus roxburghii Sarg. ??

Looks similar to images at Pinus roxburghii/ABFEB09



Pine? – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 1 image.
Are these young pine trees? Photographed at Naggar, Himachal Pradesh in July 1997.

Yes, perhaps Chir pine, Pinus roxburghii.

Photographed at higher elavations on way from Nainital to Pangot, Uttarakhand.
Is it Pinus roxburghii?

I think it’s the only species of Pinus found at low altitudes.


ID – indiantreepix | Google Groups :
This shot of the tree trunk was taken at Kasol (HP) at the time of Sar Pass trek. If any one can identify this tree and also the green Moss (or Algae) deposited on its bark The sc. name of both the tree and Moss (or algae) please.

I think tree is Betula bhojpatra. That is Bhoj Patra

Yes u might have seen Bhojpatra on the way to Rohtang Pass, but kindly recollect, the bark of Betula  are very smooth and the bark can be easily removable like a paper so the bark was used to as paper by Rishis and other people. The tree can be seen around 3000 m Altitude.
Moss can be observed even in less than 3000 m altitude.

The pciture in the id have fissured bark which could be Pinus roxburghii.

We saw Bhoj Patra on the last lap of the Chandrakhani Pass trek in Himachal Pradesh. Alongwith  lots of whitish-mauve  speckled rhododendrons.

Pine Trees – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 2 images.
Pictures of pine trees are enclosed. Further details may be provided.

Does look like Chir Pine (Pinus roxburghii)
Can’t say more

Nice to see one of the first Pine trees on this group.
Pine trees generally are seen in temperate regions and not common to tropics.

I had been in the University campus of Srinagar. Huge trees adorned the campus. Local people call them simply Chirs. If those were the
Chir Pines then i doubt this may not be Chir Pine.

Chir (Pinus roxburghii) is a curious tree in that although it is native to the Himalayas, it can grow in weathers as extreme as that in Delhi, albeit in a considerably stunted form. Infact, the beautiful Chinar from Kashmir also grows in Delhi, but can never assume the grand scale of the trees found in Kashmir.


Pinus roxburghii/ABFEB09 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (12)

One of the two most common pines here is the Chir Pine (the other is the Blue Pine). It’s a favoured tree of the forest departments due to its fast growth and economic usefulness (although Blue Pine beats it in usefulness). While the wood from this pine is considered of low quality, the resin from the tree is used to produce turpentine.
On my walk today I saw a bull munching on its needles happily and I asked the shepherd girl if other cows eat these as well and she said yes. I hadn’t known of this use before.
It is not my favourite tree as it does not let much grow beneath it, depriving a slope of its diversity. I collected a few pictures to share with you.
Chir Pine (Pinus roxburghii)
Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
22 February 2015
A closed female cone on the tree;
An open female cone;
A protruding piece from the cone containing seed;
The lovely geometry;
The long needles are in triplets, coming out of a sheath. The cross-section is triangular and there are ridges and markings along the length making needles rough to touch;
Male cones?

Thanks … for detailed images, but I am afraid there are no male cones in you pics..

Thank you … I will search for a male cone to share.


Pinus male cone: 1 image.
Pinus male cone

Updated on December 24, 2024

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