Plantago major ?


Plantago sp id requested : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) – 6 mb.
Plantago sp id requested
Thamri Kund Trail, Munsiyari, Uttarakhand
August 2019
Could this be:
Plantago major
Plantago depressa (syn P. tibetica) ???

you will need to go to classification of LARGE LEAF plantago which is found in almost all over the world

(i dont know about the frozen Tundra, and the arctic and antarctica….  ha ha)

looks like one of the broad leaf plantago, so not p. depressa.
what is it? i need to look more carefully but the inflorescence is setting fruits i think in your picture.

so i can’t judge the inflorescence

May be Plantago major as per images and details herein.
However, it is difficult to confirm with this image, as there are lots of closely related species as per keys in Flora of Pakistan, some of which are found in India.

You can also see the keys from Flora of Bhutan at Plantago

I hope P. himalaica

Updated on December 24, 2024

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