Platanus racemosa (USA)

Platanus racemosa Nutt., N. Amer. Sylv. 1: 47 1842. (Syn: Platanus californica Benth.; Platanus occidentalis Hook. & Arn.);
USA (California), Mexico (Baja California Norte, Chihuahua, Sinaloa, Sonora) as per Catalogue of life;

Platanus racemosa is a species of sycamore tree known by several common names, including California sycamore, Western sycamore, California plane tree, and in Spanish Aliso. Platanus racemosa is native to California and Baja California, where it grows in riparian areas, canyons, floodplains, at springs and seeps, and along streams and rivers in several types of habitats.

This large tree grows to 35 metres (110 ft) in height with a trunk diameter of up to one meter (three feet). A specimen on the campus of Stanford University has a trunk girth (circumference) of 10.5 metres (34.4 ft) feet.[1] The trunk generally divides into two or more large trunks splitting into many branches. The bark is an attractive patchwork of white, tawny beige, pinkish gray, and pale brown, with older bark becoming darker and peeling away. Platanus racemosa is the dominant species in the globally and state endangered sycamore-alluvial woodland habitat.
The large palmately lobed leaves may be up to 25 centimetres (9.8 in) centimeters wide and have three or five pointed lobes. New leaves are a bright translucent green and somewhat woolly. The deciduous tree drops copious amounts of dry golden to orangish red leaves in the fall. The inflorescence is made up of a few spherical flower heads each around a centimeter wide. The female flower heads develop into spherical fruit clusters each made up of many hairy, maroon-red-woolly achenes.
The tough and coarse-grained wood is difficult to split and work. It has various uses, including acting as a meat preparation block for butchers. Many small birds feed on its fruit, and several mammals eat its twigs and bark. The pollen and the hairs on leaves and flowers can be allergens for some people.[2] New leaves are susceptible to anthracnose canker, which, when it causes a side bud to become the new leader, can create picturesque angling trunks and branches on older specimens.[2]
It is also widely planted horticulturally as a landscape tree in public landscapes and private gardens. New appreciation for how it shades sun in summer and lets sun through in winter has led to its use in green architecture and sustainable design. The aesthetics of its bark and its overall form add interest. 
(From Wikipedia on 29.10.14)






Avenue Tree For ID : California : 20OCT14 : AK-17 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4).

Another Avenue tree seen in Sacramento on the 7th of Oct,14.
Medium tree, planted along the roads.
Another Maple?
Fruits seemed very close to Chinar.

Platanus racemosa I hope


when the bark falls off in the winter large mature trees look like ghost trees esp. in full moon nites

lovely scenes then

Thanks for the id and validation.





Tree For ID : California : 31OCT14 : AK-46 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)

Avenue tree seen in Sacramento on 7th Oct,14.

Fruits suggest Platanus Species.
Experts kindly verify.

Platanus racemosa, the California sycamore.



Platanus Species For ID : California : 01NOV14 : AK-2 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2).
Platanus Species seen on way to Los Angeles on 2nd Oct,14

Requesting help in Species id.

Pictures of: whole tree? bark? shape of the tree?

It was a medium height tree.
Unfortunately, as it was a short halt on the way to Los Angeles, these are the only pictures I have.

I think it should be Platanus racemosa as per Keys in Flora of North America


Updated on December 24, 2024

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