Plectranthus malabaricus (Benth.) R.H.Willemse, Blumea 25: 509 1979. (syn: Coleus leptostachys Benth.; Coleus macraei Benth.; Coleus malabaricus Benth.; Coleus ovatus Benth.; Coleus walkeri Benth.; Plectranthus malabaricus var. leptostachys (Benth.) R.H.Willemse);
S. India, Sri Lanka as per POWO;
Herbs, stem 4-angled, purplish. Leaves ovate, obtuse or acute, base truncate or subcordate, puberulous, to 15 x 13 cm. Panicles terminal, to 30 cm long. Calyx striate, upper lip broadly ovate, lower 3-lobed, lobes ovate-lanceolate. Corolla white with purple tinge, 1 cm long. Stamens exserted, filaments glabrous.
Flowering and fruiting: August-December
Evergreen forests
South India and Sri Lanka
(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi as per India Biodiversity Portal)
ANSEPT29 Lamiaceae herb for ID : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3).
Thadiyandamol, Coorg
August 2014
August 2014
Scutellaria wightiana Benth
It is a species of Plectranthus group belongs to Ocimeae tribe, but I am afraid species cannot be confirmed based on the photo. [Isodon sp.]
This seems to be Plectranthus sp.
As I do not have clearer photos of this plant, I am satisfied with the genus Plectranthus identity.
Plectranthus barbatus Andrews ???
can be compared with the images of
Thanks, … Both leaves and flowers look different from those at Plectranthus barbatus
A reply from Dr. Chunlei in another thread:
“As to the Coleus species, probably it is Coleus malabaricus, please check.”
Thanks, …, for the id.
Yes, matches with Coleus malabaricus as per