Pleurothallis titan (Cultivated- USA)

Pleurothallis titan Luer, Selbyana 3: 400 1977. (syn: Acronia titan (Luer) Luer; Zosterophyllanthos titan (Luer) Szlach. & Kulak);
Panama to N. Ecuador as per WCSP;
Colombia; Ecuador; Panama as per Catalogue of Life;

Orchids seen at the Conservatory in ABG during my visit in October, 2018.

This is a Pleurothallis, I am not sure if hybrid but so close to Pleurothallis titan. It should be a big leaf.

Thanks a lot for sharing.

Thanks … Yes the leaves were big.

Orchids seen at the Conservatory in ABG during my visit in October, 2018. Similar to the earlier I posted which was identified by … as Pleurothallis.

On google it does look like Pleurothallis titan (Orange variant) and it is present at Atlanta Botanical Garden.

Do you have more pics for this?

I don’t think these are all one species.

IMG_20181019_171849472.jpg & IMG_20181019_171831100.jpg are different
61-62 are different species.
There are so many species. Cant confirm the species sorry but the large rounded leaves look like Pelurothallis cordithallis.

IMG_20181019_171339140.jpg – Pleurothallis linguifera

Thanks for pointing out.
The leaves in two images did look a bit different, with pointed ends.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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