Plumeria obtusa var. sericifolia (C.Wright ex Griseb.) Woodson, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 25: 214 1938. (Syn: Plumeria casildensis Urb.; Plumeria domingensis Urb.; Plumeria gibbosa Urb.; Plumeria hypoleuca Gasp.; Plumeria lanata Britton; Plumeria leuconeura Urb.; Plumeria multiflora Standl.; Plumeria pilosula Urb.; Plumeria sericifolia C.Wright ex Griseb.; Plumeria trinitensis Britton; Plumeria tuberculata Lodd.; Plumeria tuberculata subsp. sericifolia (C.Wright ex Griseb.) Borhidi); Plumeria for ID : Oman : 210612 : AK-3: A cultivated, ornamental, potted plant. Picture taken on 18/8/2006. This is White Frangipani but the stem is having spikes. I have not come across spikes or thorns in the other Frangipani that we commonly find. Any clues….or is this normal feature? stem looks like plumeria tuberculata Every time, you seem to have an answer to all my unidentified pictures. Many thanks. This does seem to be the right one. It maybe a Pachypodium sp., close to Pachypodium lamerei as in – more links – Thanks a lot for a possible id. But this is not ‘Madagascar Palm’, which I have photographed in Delhi. Pachypodium is very different than plumeria . Yes, …, yet they come from same family. Plumeria tuberculata for me Refrences: |
Plumeria obtusa var. sericifolia
Updated on December 24, 2024