Plumeria pudica Jacq., Enum. Syst. Pl. 13 1760. (Syn: Plumeriacaracasana J.R.Johnst.; Plumeriacochleata S.F.Blake); , Bridal Bouquet, White Frangipani; . ID Confirmation Requested_28122010_DS_SN6: – Nice photograph of Plumeria pudica locally called Pandhra Chapha. white flower 1st July 2011 Churchgate Mumbai MAH sea level: I’m glad to share this pictures, Place / Altitude: sea Level, Churchgate, Mumbai INDIA Date of photo taken: 1st July, 2011 Friday Color of Flower: white photo taken by mobile camera, please bear with the low resolution pix Observations: I have been observing this plant because of its leaf pattern, and remember seen bunches of white flowers since may be February, 2011, it was bunch now saw just a single flower left hence grabbed the sanp. The young boy there told me it is Champa, this is just for your information, Plumeria pudica. I have this tree species in my garden. Flora of Panipat: Plumeria pudica from a Nursery in Panipat Model Town: Plumeria pudica from a Nursery in Panipat Model Town About 4-5 feet high Garden shrub with white flowers and showy leaves Plumeria pudica. I have one tree in my house at Mysore. The leaves have a very interesting shape. Plumeria pudica is also known as fiddle-leaf plumeria, for which technical term is panduraeform, rounded at ends and contracted in centre. Looks like a spoon… so should be SPATULATE… !!! but do not go by me… I am not a botanist… … showed one in July,,, seeing its interesting flowers and leaves I wanted one… and within a few days … my local nurseryman…who I had NOT spoken to yet about my coveting… called to say he had something unusual I was wondering what can be the meaning of species name pudica here. As it is in College now and i have never seen this in night now i will try to observe it in night also … message sent me to the balcony… at 130 AM… my Lajjabati… Mimosa pudica.. Acharya Jagdishchandra Bose’s plant is sleeping peacefully….with folded leaves …. and the Plumeria pudica is NOT sleeping… the leaves are NOT folded or drooping or anything… the flowers are open too… What can be the reason behind the species name Pudica? … let it go… or get one of your grad students to go after it tooth and nail…. Most logical scenario I can think of is this: It grows upright…. not gnarled branches as in frangipani or other plumerias… I found this in a genealogy site…. LATINE – ENGLISH DICTIONARY pudica = chaste, upright pudica virgo = virgin young woman, chaste [clean, decent] virgin <> Plumeria pudica is not bashful but grows upright… may be that’s why its called pudica this is all … It was named in 1760 or there abouts… by: Jacquin, Nicolaus (or Nicolaas) von by not enough latin knowledge in my skull to decipher the description etc… Plant for ID: I photographed this plant in our garden at Tala Distt Umariya M.P. Plant is bought from a local nursery but they failed to give me any local name either. Flower size similar to Temple tree flower. Leaves about 7 inches long. Please help in ID this flower / plant. This is Plumeria Pudica or locally called Vrindavan champa or Bengali pronounciation….Brindabon Champa this has long lasting nature of flowers, but plant needs rest after flowering and very good food and then light and dew drops and open sky to flourish… did not do too well in the balcony… the flowers have no scent… We have had several threads here…. efi thread and some nursery in the south carries it, now I guess its getting to be everywhere… and toptropicals has a nice description : Enjoy it .. plant it outside … give a lot of food .. and reasonable amount of water and light… I have not noticed any particular insect attacking it.. stays healthy long time… efloraofindia:”For Id 29102012MR1’’ is this Plumeria pudica at Pune: 26/10/2012 in a private society garden at Pune Shrub with peculiar spoon shaped leaves and white flower with yellow center glowing in the dark caught my attention. Thin trunk. I cannot tell about the fragrance as close to it was Cestrum nocturnum with its fragrance. Is this Plumeria pudica? Please validate. Is this called Khairchapha in Marathi? Id help For ID 240513GK : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 3 authors. Kindly help in identification Plant 5-6ft, grown around private farm, Solapur Pictures taken on 16 May, 2013, 7.15am Plumeria pudica Plumeria pudica The tree is available in my home garden. Hooghly : Plumeria sp. : 10 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3). These images were recorded yesterday on a galaxy-S-duos, an ornamental Plumeria which is similar looking to what has been labelled s Plumeria pudica by the netizens. But the herb. at KEW show different leaves –
Thank you its plumeria pudica I have one in my balcony right now and flowering have had one for several years… re kew their herbarium sp 1 is wrong there is mistake … obvious one is a fruit of a tabernamontana on the same sheet… so the collector had not idea what they were collecting or sending, on some expeditions i have gone to majority of the hard work gets delegated to labor/helper or most junior students… so mistakes happen.. 2 nd link: seed pod is of plumeria .. champa … top notation is plumeria c….. that subsequenrt person called it p.pudica… mistake again or did th eleaves evolve since then but what you have has been told to me is Plumeria pudica. ps local name includes : brindabon champa Plumeria c. = P. caracasana = P. pudica. Description of pudica can be found at and illustration in the following page. An interesting illustration and description (didn’t understand) This is Plumeria pudica as per I know all that i have all those pdfs and some word files from the net When I first found the plant in a local nursery they did not know what it was only that it was scentless champa that was about ten years ago, people at the hort did not know the name either!!!!! there is nursery in the south india that specializes in mass production of these plants and hence the popularity and availability now… Uni florida pdf shows something interesting … the leaf on the right with rust fungus , from panama is differently shaped… q is is it a regional difference Thank you Didi, the site “” identifies a tree with similar looking leaves as P. rubra L. no … the plant illustration leaves look similar to the kew herbarium specimen.. and i know the kew herbarium sp is not labelled or collected properly… there are obvious mistakes … as i pointed out earlier… and they are not what we find here .. == your pictures above if you really scrutinize are spoon shaped … narrow at the start/base, widen a bit towards the tip and then become almost roundish and then ultimately taper to a point… gross anatomy of the leaf is totally different… look at the univ fl pdf link… leaves in the healthy plant there are similar to what your pics are showing.. my question to you: why all this confusion… did you not look at the plant carefully while photographing, did the shape not strike you as something unique? if it did not then may i suggest you revisit the plant and look … == more importantly the flowers are scentless and dissection will show difference from real frangipani scented flowers… those I have seen being visited by tiny pollinators… the p.pudica flowers have NOT attracted any …so far in my balcony. and they are open all day long.. not just at nite… so easily observed … if you have a problem with the name plumeria pudica… ok.. we can name it : “spoon leafed scentless plumeria…” i am happy with that… i dont have to accept a name given by a impoverished malnourished hurried harried guy collecting herbarium specimen in a hurry for a fee (even though I must admit they did a good service for humanity down the line, like us, many food we eat and drink and medicines are thanks to these unknown guys collecting for years and years) ( you know they sent exotic specimen from far flung areas of the globe for commissions from some royalty/ semi royalty guy who wanted to impress his friends by growing tropical flowers in his glass house … that’s how they started) … serious study was someone else’s problem… so lets not take their data as something written in stone.. they are not moses on the mountain … Here’s my plant from 2011 that is still flowering in my balcony… for comparison… you’ll agree that its same as plant in above pictures. Attachments (4) I looked at the fine print under the botanicus … mobot journal link above the second page you mention… At the time of submitting this thread I wrote, “…has been labelled (a)s Plumeria pudica by the netizens…” And I noted down the feature “fragrant” while I was thinking of probability of P. rubra. So, my next step was if there was any P. pudica X P. rubra so that leaves can be explained in conformity with KEW and Search didn’t yield satisfactory result. I take it as P. pudica. Thank you for the discussion and thank you for the set of ephotographs. oh that “And I noted down the feature “fragrant”” that explains your links and thinking aloud.. Yes Didi, time is very precious, a lesson I often forget even after receiving several reminders. All I wanted is something like what they call ‘protologue’ of Plumeria pudica Jacq. GRIN informs Southern America is the native of Plumeria pudica Jacq. It would had been much better if I could find some description in efloras. A few herbaria from one of those countries show the species indeed have variable leaves, suggesting KEW may not be wrong altogether. The images can be accessed by clicking links at, plus one from Venezuela link Location: Jakarta, Indonesia Altitude: 180 ft. Date: 26 February 2017 Location: Kolkata, India Date: 8 September 2017 Elevation : 25 ft.
. Plumeria pudica from Bangalore-GS27012022-1: 4 very high res. images. Plumeria pudica photographed from Bangalore, 19-9-2015 The ID is correct. This is a common ornamental tree in Banagalore & Mysore, always blooming and very easy to propagate. I have few trees in my garden. Needs no special attention. . Plumeria pudica from Delhi-GS24122024-1: 4 high res. images. Plumeria pudica clicked from Delhi, cultivated ornamental with cobra like leaves and white flowers. . References: |
Plumeria pudica
Updated on January 14, 2025