Pogostemon cruciatus (Benth.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 530 1891. (syn: Anuragia cruciata (Benth.) Raizada; Dysophylla cruciata Benth.; Dysophylla petelotii Doan [Invalid]; Dysophylla tetraphylla Wight; Eusteralis cruciata (Benth.) Panigrahi; Mentha quadrifolia D.Don; Pogostemon tetraphylla (Wight) F.Muell.); Indian Subcontinent to China (Yunnan) (from WCSP);
Till this episode of Lamiaceae I knew this plant as Eusteralis cruciata (Benth.) Panigrahi, but now it is Pogostemon cruciatus (Benth) Kuntze. It is a photograph of loose specimen collected by me nearly one decade back in Chamoli district at an elevation of about 800m. Since the species is not present in eFI I am posting it as an addition. Thank you … now if one wanted to dissect a flower from your flower spike or you wanted to yourself how would you go about it? would you remove one delicately and rehydrate the flower slowly and then dissect it? Yes, the flowers or any other part need to be re-hydrated for dissection. Most of the taxonomists are accustomed to this practice. References: The Plant List Ver.1.1 |
Pogostemon cruciatus
Updated on December 24, 2024