Pollia subumbellata C.B.Clarke, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 11: 451 1871. (syn: Aclisia subumbellata (C.B.Clarke) C.B.Clarke; Aneilema reniforme Buch.-Ham. ex Wall. [Invalid]; Commelina reniformis Steud. [Invalid]; Dictyospermum wightii var. robustum Hassk.);
Nepal to S. China and Pen. Malaysia as per WCSP;
Assam; Bangladesh; China South-Central; China Southeast; East Himalaya; India; Malaya; Nepal as per Catalogue of Life;
Sharing the photographs of a Commelina sp (herb) from Mizoram.
… has indicated that this could be either Pollia subumbellata C.B.Clarke or Pollia hasskarlii R. S. Rao. Pollia for sure but not very sure of the species On perusing GBIF (with type specimens) High resolution specimen 1 High resolution specimen 2 FOC illustration Flowers of India India Biodiversity Portal Encyclopedia of Life (Specimen), I feel it may be closer to Pollia subumbellata C.B.Clarke
May I request … to pl. confirm or otherwise. Yes, you can go ahead with Pollia subumbellata. . Commelina Sp??-030510-PKA1 – efloraofindia | Google Groups : 13 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (4) Came across this herb in Mizoram. The leaves were looking somewhat similar to those of Commelina sp. I could not get any flower pics. looks like Aneilema sps. it is some Murdannia species. the fruit and the apex typically of Murdannia. This may be Pollia sp. This is surely not Pollia sp.
In my view, this cud be Rhopalephora scaberrima (Blume) Faden, Phytologia. 37: 480. 1977. = Aneilema scaberrima Blume Here some Images of Rhopalephora scaberrima. I have few photos from Mizoram of similar flowers. Requesting you to have a look. The above images are nothing but some Rhopalephora but its difficult to determine the species. But your earlier images are much closer to Pollia sps. In southern India we have only single species of Rhopalephora i.e R. scaberrima. (earlier posted by me).
According to Dr. Faden in his article the Genus Rhopalephora he said “Rhopalephora consist of abt four ill defined species separated from one another largely on characters of the mature capsules. and final taxonomic treatment of the species must await further studies, particularly with living material.
above given pictures is definitely different than R. scaberrima (on the basis of capsule and inflorescence) it might be R. vitiensis or R.micrantha. Thanx for the information …, I’ve come across only one species of Rhopalephora i.e. R. scaberrima in NE India. May be this cud be something different. Hoping you to put more effort in resolving the identity as you are working on the same family in detail. Thanks … for all your efforts. Nice to see that we are coming closer to ID.. As I said earlier this may be Pollia subumbellata C.B.Clarke or Pollia hasskarlii R. S. Rao. . Pollia subumbellata from Assam-NS Sept 01 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5) Please find some pics of Pollia subumbellata, recorded from Biswanath Chariali District of Assam last year..
… identified this as Pollia subumbellata..
very nice close up. already shows up in googling, in FOI. very good . ![]() ![]() Pollia subumbellata: 2 high res. images. Pollia subumbellata Behali Reserve Forest, Biswanath, Assam, India Fwd: [efloraofindia:211083] ZINBERACEAE ID from Bangladesh SM 185- 2 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) it seems to be Kaempferia elegans. Zingiberaceae??? . References: |
Pollia subumbellata
Updated on December 24, 2024