Koenigia delicatula (Meisn.) Hara, Fl. E. Himal. 70. 1966 (Syn: Polygonum delicatulum Meisn. in DC.) as per Flora of Pakistan;
Polygonum delicatulum Meisn., Prodr. 14(1): 127 127 1857. (Syn: Koenigia delicatula (Meisn.) H. Hara) as per The Plant List Ver.1.1 ;
. Himalaya to China (Sichuan, Yunnan) and Myanmar: Assam, China South-Central, East Himalaya, Myanmar, Nepal, Tibet, West Himalaya as per POWO; . Common name: Delicate Himalayan Knotweed .
VOF Week: Tiny herb for identification: Some species of Polygonum I hope. This is Koenigia delicatula (Meisn.) H. Hara (= Polygonum delicatulum Meisn.) belonging to the family Polygonaceae. The plant generally grows in close association with Koenigia nepalensis D. Don (=Polygonum filicaule wall. ex Mesn.) and often mixed together during the process of mounting on the herbarium sheets and misidentified. Illustration of K. delicatula provided in Fl. Pakistan actually belongs to K. nepalensis and appears to be a result of such kind of mixing. (http://www.efloras.org/object_page.aspx?object_id=2870&flora_id=5).
Description provided in the same is self explanatory which states that…”It is readily distinguished from all other species of Koenigia of our region by its axillary fasciculate flowers while other species have flowers in terminal corymbs“. (http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=5&taxon_id=242100083). Can you see the axillary fasciculate flowers in the illustration of K. delicatula here? Moreover, K. delicatula also differs from K. nepalensis in having glabrous and cordate leaves.
I’ve detailed photographs of both the species which I will post to eFI soon.
P.S.: The genus Koenigia was studied in detail by Hedberg and treated as a separate genus (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/1999.x/abstract). However, ‘The Plant List’ treats Koenigia under the synonymy of Polygonum. I too support Hedberg’s view and believe it to be treated as Koenigia only (Molecular data in press). One more reference by same author: Yes it is Polygonum denticulata Polygonaceae Fortnight- Koenigia delicatula from VOF:: NS May 08 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6).
This very delicate herb was found near Valley of Flowers National Park..
Was identified as Koenigia delicatula
Please validate/correct Yes! This is Koenigia delicatula for sure. Thanks for showing this tiny beauty. Plant for ID ABSEP2016/27 : 8 posts by 4 authors. 4 images.
I photographed this plant next to the withering blue poppy on my way to Ilaqa from Triund. Please help identify it.
Above Triund, HP 3100m 03-04 September 2016 Cannot make out… may be it belongs to Polygonaceae..!! Thanks … It was my first thought too but I am unable to find anything that matches. Hopefully someone would advise soon. I am attaching another photo of an erect sample from higher above. Yes, Polygonaceae! This is Koenigia delicatula (Meisn.) H. Hara (Syn.: Polygonum delicatulum Meisn.) Yes, I had seen this, in fact this plant was in my database, I just relied on my memory, but failed to get name!
Ilaqa, Dharamshala, HP
3300m approx.
16-17 August 2017
Lovely pics of a really delicate plant…thanks …!! . References:
POWO Catalogue of Life Flora of Pakistan (Koenigia delicatula (Meisn.) Hara) Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal (Koenigia delicatula (Meisn.) H. Hara) The Plant List Ver.1.1 (Polygonum delicatulum Meisn.) Tropicos Flora of China (Polygonum delicatulum Meisner in Candolle) India Biodiversity Portal Flowers of India
Koenigia delicatula
Updated on December 24, 2024