efloraofindia:”For Id 27112011MR4’’ plant with attractive foliage Pune: Sep 2011 Pune Kindly Id this potted plant with attractive foliage and ?yellow flowers Ht about 2 feet No fruits seen Aralia Is this Ming Aralia? yes I always thought ming aralia had somewhat lacey looking skinny leaves, light green and overall habit also very gnarly, interestingly twisting turning branches… highly favorite of beginning bonsai folks in the 80s and 90s… I would have never guessed that this was ming aralia…. …is this your own plant? if yes, then…. There are many Polyscias sp.114 according to wiki. I think this is Polyscias from Araliaceae. May be a hybrid of Polyscias guifoylei. I know about the numbers of species in Aralias …etc… I ran a gardening club… had to keep up with the Ornamental Plant for ID : Flower Show,Mumbai : 200912 : AK-2: Another ornamental, cultivated, potted plant seen at the Flower Show in Mumbai on 19/2/11. …, marking a copy to you to see if one of these is ‘Ming Aralia’ that you has mentioned in my other post. This is also Some species of Polyscias fruticosa no … this is not ming aralia Yes, Polyscias fruticosa from Araliaceae some variation of ming? There are many members of this family which are medicinal but this is hybrid n never heard of it being traded for anything!! May be Polyscias guilfoylei (W.Bull) L.H.Bailey as per https://nurserylive.com/en/plants/plants-by-type/shrubs/cfp-polyscias-guilfoylei-victoriae-plants-in-india Can we check Polyscias guilfoylei var. laciniata? Can not say as there appears to be many cultivars as per
Id of an ornamental : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) – 4 mb. Request for id of an ornamental grown in Mahe. Photographed in October 2019. Is it Polyscias fruticosa? So many cultivars. Always confusing. For me it looks P.fruiticosa horticultural variety only. The picture does not tally with the photo at Bombay Flower Show. There are innumerable varieties in P.fruiticosa There are many species. P. see details of these at Polyscias |
Polyscias guilfoylei ?
Updated on December 24, 2024