Polyscias pinnata

21062013 ASP 66 : Attachments (1).  3 posts by 3 authors.
Can you please ID this species of foliage ornamental shrub which could be a species of Polyscias. It often locally called croton may be wrongly. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in Oct 2013

Polyscias pinnata ‘Marginata’
Dinner-plate aralia

As the name suggests the genus Polyscias comes under Family Araliaceae


20042014Al19 Tree for ID (I) : Attachments (3). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Ornamental plant Bangalore

Polyscias cumingiana (C.Presl) Fern.-Vill.( = Polyscias crispata (W.Bull) M.R.Almeida), Aralia ; Fam: Araliaceae

sorry, the correct answer is Polyscias pinnata J.R.Forst. & G.Forst., (Aralia)


Confusion between Polyscias pinnata, Polyscias balfouriana and Polyscias scutellaria
There seems to be a lot of confusion between these three (sometimes used alternatively for the same plant) as is evident from the following links:

I think Polyscias pinnata and Polyscias balfouriana are same as per
Keys are available at Notes on Polyscias (Araliaceae) from Micronesia – Micronesica
Any feedback is welcome.

Agreed this paper, 1989, considers both as synonyms of P. scutellaria (N. L. Burman) Fosberg (eFlora of China considers P. balfouriana as its synonym) but POWO, Catalogue of Life and WFO treat them as independent species. It would be interesting to know their differences.

But all three species in efi site look similar. Pl. have a look.

Let us wait for some credible recent publication

Correct link is Notes on Polyscias (Araliaceae) from Micronesia – Micronesica

I think link may contain the latest information although no date is specified:


MS/ID/FEB/2021/3 – ID of the Sapling, Chenna: 2 images.
Please ID the plant sapling photographed in Chennai.

Polyscia species  : a  variety ???

I think Polyscias pinnata J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. as per images and details herein.
More details in pdf at Notes on Polyscias (Araliaceae) from Micronesia – Micronesica and details at Aralia Production Guide


Ornamental Plant For ID : Nasik : 100414 : AK-12 : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Ornamental plant seen at a plant nursery in Nasik.
Cultivated, potted plant with leaves having three colors.
Again Aralia?

Polyscias balfouriana ‘Pennockii’

Thanks for the id.

Taking it as Polyscias pinnata, for the time being as per discussions at Confusion between Polyscias pinnata, Polyscias balfouriana and Polyscias scutellaria

Identification of a plant : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
Wishing everyone HNY 2017. The plant has been shot in Sambalpur of Odisha. Pl help me identify

Thanks, …  I think it is quite cultivated in the pots in the houses. Unable to recall the name right now

Is it Polyscias balfouriana?

It is also known as Arelia balfouriana.

Taking it as Polyscias pinnata, for the time being as per discussions at Confusion between Polyscias pinnata, Polyscias balfouriana and Polyscias scutellaria


Polyscias balfouriana ‘Variegata’ :: TMC Biodiversity Park :: 22 APR 18 : 3 posts by 3 authors. 1 image.
TMC Biodiversity Park  Thane
Date: April 22, 2018 … Altitude: about 15 m (50 feet) asl
Polyscias balfouriana ‘Variegata’  (André) L.H.Bailey

Taking it as Polyscias pinnata, for the time being as per discussions at Confusion between Polyscias pinnata, Polyscias balfouriana and Polyscias scutellaria

Yes, …

Thanks … for taking to sort the confusion among the Polyscias spp.
I will revise the notes at flickr, once the ID gets resolved / or maybe, I will update with the tentative ID as soon as I get sufficient time.


ID request – RD5 : Attachments (1). 4 posts by 2 authors.
Please id this plant seen in a garden in Nagpur.

Aralia species

Polyscias balfouriana (André) L.H.Bailey Syn : Aralia balfouriana André

Aralia for ID : Oman : 180912 : AK-2:
A cultivated, ornamental, potted, garden plant seen in a public garden here on 24/6/2011. Variegated round leaves. Some species of Aralia. Id please

… probably garden cultivar of Polyscias balfouriana
Reference: Gardentia

Thanks for sharing this garden plant which I am sure is observed by many.
Never thought it belongs to family Araliaceae. Thanks … for the botanical name of probable common name being Ming Aralia

yes… your dx is correct
NO … its family Araliaceae ok but
not a ming aralia… ming aralia has lacy very delicate leaves… and their arrangement is very different from this aralia… both are very popular houseplants… ming aralia more cold sensitive then this one…

Thanks for all the info and possible id. After… clue, I tried searching.
Could it be ‘Dinner Plate Aralia’Polyscias scutelleria?
Kindly confirm.

it is Polyscias scutelleria, as you mentioned in your mail.

Thanks for validation of id.

Taking it as Polyscias pinnata, for the time being as per discussions at Confusion between Polyscias pinnata, Polyscias balfouriana and Polyscias scutellaria


Shrub ID from Bangladesh SM124 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1).

Habit: Shrub
Habitat: Park
Location: Dhaka City

Polyscias sp., I think.

Supporting … id.

Polyscias scutellaria


Taking it as Polyscias pinnata, for the time being as per discussions at Confusion between Polyscias pinnata, Polyscias balfouriana and Polyscias scutellaria


Identification of a plant : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
Wishing everyone HNY 2017. The plant has been shot in Sambalpur of Odisha. Pl help me identify

Thanks, …   I think it is quite cultivated in the pots in the houses. Unable to recall the name right now

Is it Polyscias balfouriana?

It is also known as Arelia balfouriana.

Thanks, … To me it appears more closer to images at Polyscias scutellaria rather than at Polyscias balfouriana as per comparative images at Polyscias

Taking it as Polyscias pinnata, for the time being as per discussions at Confusion between Polyscias pinnata, Polyscias balfouriana and Polyscias scutellaria


Shrub id from BD_SM_1203 3 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

It is Arelia, I think.

Pl. check
To me appears close.


FOR VALIDATION :: Polyscias scutellaria (Burm.f.) Fosberg :: Waghbil, Thane :: Jul 15, 2007 · JUN23 DV354: 3 images.
Polyscias scutellaria (Burm.f.) Fosberg … FOR VALIDATION
Waghbil, Thane :: Jul 15, 2007 · 11:52 AM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl

It may be
Some leaves appear to be pinnate. 
Pl. check keys at
Notes on Polyscias (Araliaceae) from Micronesia – Micronesica

Thanks very very much, …, for suggesting the possible ID.




The Plant List  edis ifas  Dave’s Garden Top Tropical 

Updated on December 24, 2024

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