Porpax jerdoniana (Wight) Rolfe, Orchid Rev. 16: 8 1908. (Syn: Cryptochilus wightii Rchb.f.; Eria jerdoniana (Wight) Rchb.f.; Eria lichenora Lindl.; Lichenora jerdoniana Wight; Pinalia jerdoniana (Wight) Kuntze; Porpax lichenora (Lindl.) T.Cooke); . Common name: Jerdon’s Porpax • Marathi: Fulpakhru Amri . Small, epiphytic herbs; pseudobulbs 5-6 mm across, flat, discoid, covered by rigid net-like sheaths. Leaves 2, orbicular or ovate, yellowish-brown or green, tomentose on both sides, to 2 cm across, prominently veined. Flowers 1 or 2, between the leaves, pale-brown, subsessile, terminal or lateral, 8 mm long. Calyx connate, tubular, up to 5 mm long. Petals free, included within the calyx tube. Lip with a short erect teeth at apex, 3-lobed, fleshy, articulated with the column foot. Pollinia 8, connate in 4s. Capsule 3 x 2 mm, trigonous or ovoid, tomentose, 1 or 2 from the pseudobulbs between leaves; stalk to 2 mm long. Flowering and fruiting: July-August Semi-evergreen and moist deciduous forests Western Ghats Id please : Attachments (1). 25 posts by 8 authors. Please identify the plant It was collected from the Nilambur Ghats of kerala. A very weird looking plant never seen it before !! This is an orchid but I dont know the name. It reminds me about Macodes sp. but not sure. Where did you see Macodes in India :), … That is a terrestrial orchid by the way, but you were too close. Leaves does look like Macodes but they are not found in India. This is an epiphytic Orchid, ma sometimes foudn on rocks and not weird but very beautiful. I have seen macodes sps in upper sanitorium of Ponmudi – Trivandrum ,Kerala. That must be a new record of India …, do share the pics if possible. I would love to see. I dont have picture for that , …, Yes, it is a beautiful plant. If you can send the photo of the flower then ID would be easier. Interesting!!! Let me confirm whether I have seen it in forest or not? Those small things in the center are the fully opened flowers. …, if it is a fully opened flower, then it does not look like an orchid flower. Strangely the photographs of Porpax gigantea on the web look much different from above one, some on the website of Orchid Board: Check out for the photographers of the link, one mistake may lead to another. Secondly those link may contain pics from garden, so may be some ornamental varieties. Leaves may not have reticulations in the beginning, but later they do have. 7 species of Porpax are found in India. A very strange thing happened just now. Out of my too busy schedule, I thought of checking this plant again from the references I currently have. From my self I took out a book THE ORCHIDS OF SIKKIM AND NORTH EAST HIMALAYA by C J Lucksom. It has 984 pages and the biggest coincidence was, when I kept the book on my laps it straightaway opened to page no 546 which has a sketch of Porpax fibuliformis….. this is strange but yet so interesting… But that doesnt mean that the pic above is fibuliformis…. :)) …., can you please check this pic and give your views. I rechecked the links provided by … and … and found that the picture there most probably belongs to Porpax ustulata (E.C.Parish & Rchb.f.) Rolfe, Orchid Rev. 16: 8 (1908). It is an epiphytic plant. I showed the plant to one of my friend in Singapore and according to him this is Jewel orchid macodes. To me also Macodes looks a better option, as also suggested by … it matches well with Porpax jerdoniana Thanks a lot … I am sure you are right. Taxonomy is not about options. A plant can have only one accepted name. Macodes is supposed to belong to the Sub Family: Orchidoideae (PLANT HAS ROOT STEM TUBEROIDS), and it is a terrestrial plant, i.e. it grows on ground, the floral stalk is an elongated one with multiple flowers; Porpax belongs to Sub Family: Epidendroideae (PLANT WITHOUT ROOT STEM TUBEROIDS), and it is an epiphytic plant, i.e., it grows on other trees or sometimes lithophytes, i.e., grows on rocks, floral stalk is subsessile with one or two flowers only. Attaching one pic which I dont want to be added to the eflora database. Those are not tuberoids but pseudobulbs below the leaves. But my plant is Porpax gigantea. Infact in gigantea leaves look the same but flowers are bigger… pic, but now I know that they are two different plants. Infact in gigantea looks the same but leaves are bigger. Thanks again for the help … u r great as always!!! Porpax Jerdoniana : Attachments (1). 8 posts by 4 authors. Porpax Jerdoniana. Beautifull click … i miss it in flowering 🙁 How to differentiate between P jerdoniana and P gigantea, both recorded from Northern Western Ghats? … if you see flower it is different from jerdoniana and also this link shows it’s distribution which is North east india and north eastern country’s ……, later species is also reported from Karnataka, which is adjacent to Goa. BTW … observed the formar species from Tungareshwar, couple of days back. P gigantea found in karnataka!!!!!! thats great yahh heard about jerdoniana sighting from tungareshwer on same day when … found it !! Orchidaceae fortnight :: Porpax jerdoniana :: Anmod :: DV37 : 1 image. 5 posts by 4 authors. Porpax jerdoniana (Wight) Rolfe Dear friends, perhaps this photo may not be appealing; but it is all I have at present of Porpax jerdoniana at Anmod on 23 APR 11 Hahahaha, No I cant ID this 🙂 It can be IDed upto Porpax. Specifically jerdoniana because … has been meeting these individuals during every visit in this area. Wonderful Shot … Looks like some animal………………….. Orchidaceae fortnight ..Porpax jerdoniana : Attachments (2). 9 posts by 7 authors. sharing very cute little orchid .. Porpax jerdoniana … yes definitely cute. Many thanks … for sharing this Porpax. Yet to meet. thank you all … It is very common on moist tree trunks in rainy season … some one has uploaded pic from forest nearby mumbai too on fb 🙂 Very cute like babies. Thanks so much Thanks for sharing. Very good pictures of a healthy specimen! Orchidaceae fortnight :: Butterfly Orchid– Porpax jerdoniana :: at Anmode Ghat :: PKA23::: : Attachments (3). 6 posts by 6 authors. Sharing few snaps of Butterfly Orchid. Amazing… Excellent Shots Too good. Flora of Kaiga_Sharing_ Porpax jerdoniana 20072016 PK1 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Pl see Attached 2 pics from Kaiga Uttarakannada Western Ghats. Date/Time-:12/07/2015 – 10:30,
TSP-JUL2016-14-414: Images of Porpax jerdoniana (Orchidaceae) : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5) It is my pleasure to present few images of Porpax jerdoniana (Orchidaceae) Ref: http://florakarnataka.ces.iisc.ernet.in/hjcb2/herbsheet.php?id=3073&cat=1 Ref: Flowers of India Habit: Herb Habitat: Wild, Epiphytic, Evergreen forest Sighting: Chikmagalur-DK district border, Charmady Ghat, Karnataka, about 900 msl Date: 20-07-2016 Yes Porpax jerdoniana, did you open up the flower manually or it opened on its own? Even flower looks longer than the normal size of the species. There is something wrong here!!! Yes …, the flower was slightly pressed against the trunk to have a glimpse of the floral parts. Flora of Uttara Kannada | 30Nov2010AR02 : Attachments (4). 4 posts by 4 authors. Ragi hosahalli, Western ghats Uttara Kannada Oct 2010 Leaves-12cm, Habitat: Growing on the bark of a large tree, in the mid of the Benne river. Nice one, Jewel orchid – as per … I think so. Thanks …, Yes you may call it an Epiphytic Jewel Orchid due to the ornamentation. But usually JEWEL ORCHIDS are terrestrials ones. P. jerdoniana from the ornamentation on leaves, but of course flowers hold the key Looks like Porpax jerdoniana to me. . 551 ID wild Orchid: 5 high res. images. Porpax jerdoniana (Wight) Rolfe ! Yes, it is Porpax jerdoniana dear …, thank you very much for ID my Orchid, Yes Porpax jerdoniana.
. References: The Plant List Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post Flowers of India India Biodiversity Portal |
Porpax jerdoniana
Updated on December 24, 2024