Potentilla supina

Spreading Cinquefoil;
Annual herb with several ascending stems; leaves up to 7 cm long, pinnately compound with 5-9 leaflets, upper with only 3; leaflets crenate or sharply toothed; flowers yellow 5-7 mm across; petals shorter than calyx; achenes glabroup. 

Rosaceae Week: Potentilla supina from Pahalgam, Kashmir:
Potentilla supina L., Sp. pl. 1:497. 1753
Annual herb with several ascending stems; leaves up to 7 cm long, pinnately compound with 5-9 leaflets, upper with only 3; leaflets crenate or sharply toothed; flowers yellow 5-7 mm across; petals shorter than calyx; achenes glabrous.
Photographed from Pahalgam, growing in neglected places. 


Rosaceae Fortnight: Potentilla supina from Pahalgam, Kashmir-GSSEP42/42 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)
Potentilla supina L., Sp. pl. 1:497. 1753
Annual herb with several ascending stems; leaves up to 7 cm long, pinnately compound with 5-9 leaflets, upper with only 3; leaflets crenate or sharply toothed; flowers yellow 5-7 mm across; petals shorter than calyx; achenes glabrous.
Photographed from Pahalgam, growing in neglected places. 




Unid Rosaceae from Panipat:
This small herb was captured from Bank of Yamuna River on March 13, 2010,
I usually met with this in the same sandy habitat at few other places. Rosaceae of course, but proper identification is requested. Kindly help to identify.

I hope Potentilla supina

Request for identification : 9 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3)
Please help me in the identification of this weed from Rajasthan area pictures taken by my friend.

It could be a Potentilla sp. [Rosaceae].

This habitat indicates this can be Potentilla supina

Thanks, … I think matches with images under thread at Potentilla supina

BSI Person … also recommend it as species of Potentilla but he will confirm species also.

I talked to … (BSI) who confirmed it as Potentilla supina (This is the only species of Potentilla found in Rajasthan)

ID_Ranunculus : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Rajasthan Flora have three Ranunculus spps. this image I have taken from a pond situated near Jaipur (Raj)
The Species shows in Rajasthan Flora are Ranunculus cantoniensis , Ranunculus muricatus, Ranunculus sceleratus. Please suggest name of attached file.

Not looks like Ranunculaceae. It is from Rosaceae (epicalyx visible). May be Fragaria sp.

Thanks, … You on dot.
It should be Potentilla supina as per images and details herein.

Mt Abu, Rajasthan id: 3 images.
From … (from mixed thread Id help please):
Small prostrate herb growing near water

Mt abu, Rajasthan 2021 March

Rubus or Potentilla sp. ??

It is Potentilla supina of Rosaceae

At least one guess matched!


Identification required 9688: 3 high res. images.
Location Ganderbal Kashmir

Please check for Potentilla  species

Also check this link : https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Potentilla_hebiichigo

Yes, appears close to images at Potentilla supina


Potentilla supina from Ganderal kashmir: 3 high res. images.

Yes, appears close to images at Potentilla supina

Updated on December 24, 2024

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