Pothos boyceanus

Pothos boyceanus G.Rajkumar, Shaju, Nazarudeen & Prakashk., Taiwania 65: 114 (2020);
India (Kerala) as per POWO;

576 ID wild plant: 13 high res. images.
Please ID wild plant,
Location: bloomed near Vannappuram Thodupuzha Idukki Kerala INDIA
Altitude: 1500fsl
Flower date: 04 MAY 2024, 05.10pm
Habitat: wild moisture evergreen misty sloppy canopied alpine
Plant habit: parasitic climber, branches, weak cylindrical stem 01cm base diameter, rooted nodes, perennial
Height: 12 meters
Host tree:
Leaves: alternate imparipinnate, leaflets 04 alternate elongated acute simple flexible smooth glossy wavy, size upto: 18×5cm, winged petiole
Flower: axillary spike inflorescence, length:06cm, greenish, non fragrant
Fruit: violet ovoid size:12x4mm
Seed: ovoid
Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x

Looks like Pothos keralensis ….

Pothos boyceanus

Yes, it is Pothos boyceanus dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant,


Pothos boyceanus ID#576: 11 high res. images.
Sharing spadix images.

Date: 15 AUG 2024, 02pm
Flower: axillary cylindrical spadix inflorescence, size:07×0.6cm, whitish green, non fragrant, spathe greenish soft flexible smooth glossy elongated wavy size:18x1cm





POWO  Catalogue of Life  Research Gate (pdf)
Novataxa: Species new to sciencePothos boyceanus (Araceae): A New Species from the Western Ghats, India (Abstract: Pothos boyceanus sp. nov. (Araceae) of the subgenus Allopothos (sensu Schott, 1855) has been discovered from the evergreen forests of Valara in Idukki district of Kerala, India. The species has a close affinity with Pothos crassipedunculatus Sivadasan, Mohanan & Sathishkumar, but differs in a set of characters including the presence of a ligule, long winged petiole, asymmetric lamina, long single cataphyll, slender peduncle, presence of a stipe, long cylindric spadix with a lorate spathe equal to the length of spadix and 1˗3 seeded ovate berry ripening milky white at base and light violet towards tip)

Updated on December 23, 2024

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