Benincasa fistulosa

Benincasa fistulosa (Stocks) H. Schaef. & S. S. Renner, Taxon 60:133. 2011. (Syn: (≡) Citrullus fistulosus Stocks (basionym); (≡) Citrullus vulgaris var. fistulosus (Stocks) J. L. Stewart;  (≡) Praecitrullus fistulosus (Stocks) Pangalo) as per GRIN;

The tinda and plural called tinday (in Urdu) also called Indian round gourd or apple gourd or Indian Baby Pumpkin, is a squash-like cucurbit grown for its immature fruit, a vegetable especially popular in South Asia. It is the only member of the genus Praecitrullus. “tinda” is also called “tindsi” in rajasthan. In Marathi, it is called Dhemase ढेमसे. In Sindhi language, it is called Meha ميها.

The plant is, as with all cucurbits, a prolific vine, and is grown as an annual. The fruit is approximately spherical, and 5–8 cm in diameter. The seeds may also be roasted and eaten. Tinda is a famous nickname among Punjabi families in India.
This unique squash-like gourd is native to India, very popular in Indian and Pakistani cooking with curry and many gourmet dishes.
Green colored, apple sized fruits are flattish round in shape and 50-60 grams in weight. Plants are vigorous, productive and begin to bear fruits in 70 days after planting.
(from Wikipedia on 21.12.13)

I have yet to see the flowering plant of Tinda, a common vegetable crop.
Can any member upload the same, now correctly known as Praecitrullus fistulosus (Stocks) Pangalo

I have seen the Tinda plant many times, never cared to take a pic, this time I will shoot this and other one also, known a “Chappan Kaddu” the summer squash (Cucurbita pepo) for which also I have no photograph…
Now some one should upload Chapan Kadu (Cucurbita pepo).

New for flowering twigs, but not new as vegetable …: TINDA




Benincasa fistulosa from Kaithal-NS July 2019 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)

This popular vegetable of north India, locally named as “Tinda” and the only species of the genus Praecitrullus (under name Praecitrullus fistulosus (Stocks) Pangalo) is not much represented on eFI…
The pics were recorded from my native place in Kaithal, Haryana…
Benincasa fistulosa (Stocks) H. Schaef. & S. S. Renner



GRIN  The Plant List (Praecitrullus fistulosus (Stocks) Pangalo) India Biodiversity Portal  Wikipedia

Updated on December 24, 2024

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